Härryda and Homa Bay, Kenya

Project: Young people’s influence and choice of working life and education

Structures in both municipalities will be created in order to give the pupils better ’decision competence’ and knowledge about working life, job demands and entrepreneurship. Many young people in both municipalities are lacking a sense of empowerment to influence their future. 

In HomaBay many students do not pass or carry out secondary education, either due to poor grades, child labor, early marriages, lack of finance or orphanages. Many are therefore leaving schools without much opportunities at obtaining a job and some don’t even go to school. In Härryda, many young people dream of working with jobs that either are hard to obtain or live on. At the same time there is a great need for jobs, in both municipalities that needs vocational training e.g. mechanics, ICT, carpentry, metal skills, fashion design. There is also a great potential in both municipalities for starting new businesses within various fields. 

The project will focus on building structures within the municipalities in order to empower young people to be able to make better decisions so that more young people can choose education and a career that suits them better and obtain a job, or start a sustainable business that they can live on.