Most of our educational programs are tailor-made capacity building programs for the partnerships in our networks, with the overarching goal of enhancing the outcomes of the partnership projects. A network includes partnerships with similar challenges. To provide in-depth and coordinated support on the network’s theme, a tailor-made training is offered to a team of usually three individuals from each partner organization within the network
The training aims to strengthen partnerships and local authorities within the network’s thematic focus and to promote successful project outcomes.
The programmes are aimed at policy-makers and service staff in ICLD’s partner countries. They may work in public administration, both local and regional, as well as in non-governmental organisations. The training programmes provide participants with the opportunity to acquire new skills, experience and methods in the field of local democracy development. In many cases, a mentor is assigned to each partnership.
Target group:
Each training team should normally include three local officials. However, the composition can vary! Please consult your ICLD Programme Officer. They will normally be members of the Project team, but can also be other participants within the organisation if this is considered relevant to the project outcomes. It may be important for the team to include for example an elected local politician, or a representative of a civil society organisation working with the local authority. The team is nominated by their own community/organisation by being listed in the Project team Participant Form, together with a justification.
It is not allowed for relatives to accompany the participants in the programme.
Women’s Political Leadership Programme
We also have a stand alone educational programme that is aimed at women political leaders from around the world – Women’s Political Leadership Programme.
The 12-months programme focuses on developing political leadership skills. The goal is to strengthen democracy in the organizations taking part in the training, primarily by strengthening the politician herself, as well as capacitating women politicians in general to be good role models and to get a higher involvement of underrepresented groups in decision making bodies.
The training is implemented in cooperation with the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR).
Target groups:
The programme is open only to women who hold an elected seat in a local or regional government in any of the OECD-DAC listed ODA-countries.