Municipal Partnership Programme

In the Municipal partnership programme, ICLD offers Swedish municipalities and regions, the possibility to enter results-oriented collaborations with local governments in a number of partner countries, for exchange and peer learning.

The objective of the programme is to strengthen local democracy by increasing:

  • the influence of marginalized groups and young people on local decision making,
  • the number of women in decision-making positions in local governments,
  • the openness, transparency and accountability of local governments.

ICLD is convinced that people’s lives and situation can be improved, and poverty can be reduced through the development of local democracy in municipalities and local governments.

Therefore, ICLD supports participants in the partnerships, elected officials and civil servants, as change-agents to impact and develop practices in their own organisations within equity, participation, transparency and accountability. Organisational results such as formalizing more democratic practices, can positively impact citizens situation on societal level. For example, improved access to rights and enhanced living conditions for vulnerable groups. The collaboration can be applied across the entire municipal area of responsibility.

Partnership for the Goals: A municipal partnership is also a way for local governments to achieve the Sustainable development goals and ICLD offers resources to implement the 2030 Agenda in their operations. For more information on the programme, see the Municipal Partnership Programme Guidelines:

Eligible countries for collaboration

Collaboration is possible with countries on the DAC-list of OECD. The following countries, divided into four clusters, are:

Europe – Bosnia and Hercegovina, Kosovo, Serbia and Ukraine
Latin America – Colombia, Guatemala
East Africa – Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda
Southern Africa – Botswana, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe

In addition to the above countries, there arecountries where municipalities already have an ongoing dialogue or inceptions or projects. ICLD intends to allow these countries to continue their commitment and provide funding. These countries include Georgia, North Macedonia, Moldova, Indonesia, China, Vietnam, Mozambique, and Namibia.

Who can apply?

Swedish municipalities, regions, municipal or city district boards, local government associations and joint boards, can apply for funding for municipal partnerships together with corresponding organizations in the above countries.

Interested in joining the programme?

One can apply for an Inception, usually the first phase of a partnership, at any time throughout the year. For Projects and Steering groups as well as the other components of the programme there are specific calls for applications. In 2025 deadlines for these are March 15th and September 15th (preliminary call subject to avaliability of funds).

Read below about the different phases and components of the programme, as well as how to apply and report.