Educational material

Explore ICLD’s learning tools such as videos, cases, toolboxes and handbooks. Thanks to the support of the Swedish International Cooperation Agency SIDA, all material is free to teach with, download, or make copies of.


Climate refugees and youth influence –
What role can local goverments play?

Educational video – in English

Educational video – in French


ICLD toolboxes serve to guide various thematic areas within local democracy through practical and concrete steps that local governments and other actors can follow.

To all toolboxes>>

Education films/video policy briefs

2 to 4-minute animated video policy briefs are a great way to get the message quickly and clearly. They facilitate inclusive learning and spread lessons learnt from research to practitioners. Discussions questions are included to all videos.

The videos are backed up by written policy briefs where local governments can get a deeper understanding of the issues raised in the videos. To get all information in an easy way – ICLD has also developed for each of the videos, info folders where discussion questions, related publications and free promotion material all are included. You can download them here

Info folders for downloading

Zip folders containing an info flyer with discussion questions, related publications and free promotion material for the videos. For further questions about the material, please contact: