Promotion of Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women
The one-year project “Promotion of Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women” has been implemented in close cooperation between the two official partners the City of Växjö and Tlokwe City Council.
The overall objective of the project has been to highlight current prerequisites for gender equality in Sweden and South Africa, and examine what concrete actions are and can be taken by political actors (e.g. the municipality) in order to create a society based on fair and equal rights and opportunities for both women and men.
The overall objective is practically connected to current municipal work within frames of three sub-areas:
- equal participation and opportunities in the political process
- methods to address gender based violence
- focus on cooperation between the municipality and external stakeholders.
The practical implementation has included six specific stages/activities: two international visits, sub-project activities and home-based work. During these stages, the altogether 12 participants (key-persons at central positions) have explored and learnt from a range of “best practices” connected to municipal gender equality work and the three sub-areas. The used methods have included internal presentations, one joint SWOT analysis, arranged seminars, several study-visits, meeting with external stakeholders (the police, Women´s Shelter, regional public actors, non-profit organizations etc), organisation of a project debate/discussion broadcasted on local TV etc.
The actual project is seen as a successful experience for all partners involved and the formal objectives, short-term aims and expected results have been fulfilled to a satisfying degree. The project has been implemented with great consideration to the economical framework and with careful respect to essential values connected to sustainability, poverty reduction, mutuality, environment and gender equality. The joint ambition is now to proceed the cooperation and take it forward to a project year 2 and 3.