Mayor appointed to top job in global parliament

The Global Parliament of Mayors (GPM) is a new governance body of, by, and for mayors from all continents. It builds on the experience, expertise and leadership of mayors in tackling local challenges resulting from global problems.
What will be your main priority as a member of the Steering Committee?
“My main priority is to mobilize other mayors to embrace the sustainable development goals to enable us build resilient cities.”

Grace Mary Magusa believes women are strong leaders, managers and mothers. Therefore, she wants to act as a role model and mentor for other women.
“I have managed to mentor more women mayors in the last five years. I was the only female mayor in local government among twenty-one were men”.
Describe yourself as a leader and mentor? How do you think other people would describe you?
“I don’t know much about how people describe me but for those who are bold told me that am a strong woman, who does not fear to express views and who can’t allow oppression and gender stereotypes to prosper.”

How do you work to strengthen women-leadership in your community of Hoima?
“I mobilize women into groups for social and economic cohesion. I have done sensitizations on several topics like entrepreneurial skills, knowing their rights and responsibility, and others.”

She says the root of her success lays in the programs that ICLD and UNHABITANT invited her to.
“I met new friends Dr Adiam and Ms Kristin Ekström in a beautiful program under ITP/ICLD sponsored by the Swedish Government, capacitating women local leaders. They have continuously walked with me through my political journey, and I am very grateful. I salute ICLD for building my capacity to stand up and articulate issues.”
So ICLD made a difference for your leadership?
“Indeed! I will always applaud ICLD and SIDA for capacitating my enhanced leadership skills as well as my Swedish mentor that coached me.“

Where do you find inspiration and motivation?
“I get inspired by my passion to talk for the voiceless and marginalized groups and to serve above self. Then I also reflect on the several capacity building lessons I have participated in, and the fear of God.”
You have talked about starting a group for female politicians in Uganda?
“Indeed we agreed to start our ICLD Uganda chapter but due to a lot of work we have not yet met. We intend to meet when we get some time.”

Again, congratulations to your position as global mayor.
“I was excited to receive the good news of my appointment but I felt humbled and challenged because I asked myself what did I do that caused people to notice me for this position? Immediately I thought about people and institutions that have mentored me throughout my political career.”

FACT/ Steering Committee, GPM
The Steering Committee is being advised by a Consultative Committee – chaired by Dr Benjamin Barber – and supported by the GPM Secretariat located in The Hague. In September the Steering Committee started with seven mayors from Mannheim, Cape Town, Amman, North-Delhi, Oklahoma City, Tres de Febrero in Buenos Aires and The Hague and is now taking steps to achieve a broader representation of the GPM-members.
Members of the Steering Committee develop and adopt GPM regulation and funding, call meetings (face-to-face or virtual), ask public-, private- and/or academic partners and NGO’s for advice, decide on initiating and terminating thematic communities, approve membership and determine convening programs.