Call for National Mentor – Ukraine

ICLD is looking for a mentor for municipalities in Ukraine for our network for Democratic Resilience.
This call presents an interesting opportunity for advocates of local democracy that are passionated to make a meaningful impact in safeguarding and enhancing democratic governance in these regions, even in challenging times. ICLD is dedicated to advancing democratic values and practices at the local level. Are you interested in joining us on this inspiring journey?
Are you enthusiastic about enhancing local democracy in Ukraine? Do you possess profound expertise in local democracy, and extensive experience in project and change management? Do you have advanced proficiency in Ukrainian and English (written and spoken)? ICLD works with strengthening local democracy through promoting participation, equity, transparency, and accountability in local governance. Join us on this journey!
Ukrainain and Swedish municipalities work together in bilateral Municipal Partnerships to enhance democratic practies in a policy area of their choice. These local governments, together with their Swedish counterparts, are part of a network of municipal partnerships with an overarching focus on Democratic Resilience. The objective of this network is to enhance the organisational capacity and resilience of municipalities, enabling them to safeguard and uphold democracy, the rule of law and human rights effectively during times of crisis, unrest, and war. This network of partnerships is built on a basis of peer-to-peer learning and problem-oriented project planning to enhance equity, participation, transparency, and accountability.
This support includes coaching, sharing expertise and disseminating practical tools and materials from the ICLD Learning Toolkit. It also includes supporting the smooth cooperation between the Ukrainian and Swedish counterparts and undertaking Network trainings with ICLD. The objective is to foster a deeper understanding of the importance of democratic practices and values in local governance among participants and facilitate organisational learning to build democratic resilience. Further details on the role of the mentor can be found in the ICLD Mentor’s Handbook here.
The partnership teams are in the process of jointly developing and refining their project plan during 2024, to submit full applications for a project start in 2025. Mentorship is desired for all stages.
Qualifications and skills required
To be successful in the role of a Mentor in the ICLD Network for Democratic Resilience, candidates must possess a blend of robust project management capabilities, deep regional expertise, and strong interpersonal skills:
- Demonstrated experience in planning, implementing, and monitoring complex projects.
- In-depth expertise in leading change management initiatives and in facilitating change using effective communication and coaching techniques.
- Deep understanding of the national context and political structures of Ukraine, with a special focus on local governance.
- Proficiency in local governance principles, human rights, and gender mainstreaming at the community level. A proven track record in coaching, educational initiatives, and peer-to-peer learning, particularly addressing gender-related issues.
- Exceptional communication skills in both English and Ukrainian, capable of engaging effectively with diverse audiences and facilitating bilingual educational sessions.
- Well-established contacts and a history of collaboration with local authorities or municipalities in Ukraine. This should include practical experience in navigating local governmental structures and leveraging relationships for project success.
- Substantial experience in international contexts, as proven by previous training, work or educational experience in an international context. Experience of international cooperation and the ability to adapt and thrive in different cultural environments.
Job Description in short
As a Mentor within the Network for Democratic Resilience, your role is to facilitate collaboration among municipalities in Ukraine and Sweden.
As a Mentor, you will:
- Act as the main contact with ICLD and support the Swedish-Ukrainian partnerships in the network with their joint project/project application and act as a bridge between the Swedish and Ukrainian partners.
- Support for 1-4 Municipal Partnership teams consisting of local politicians, officials from local authorities in Ukraine and, in some cases, representatives of civil society organisation.
- Collaborate with ICLD Programme Managers to plan and execute two networking meetings, each spanning approximately one week.
- In consultation with ICLD Programme Managers and the relevant mentor, conduct 2 face-to-face team visits per partnership.
- Provide consultation and progress reports to ICLD programme Management on a regular basis throughout the duration of the contract.
- Strengthen partnership projects by co-facilitating training sessions on local democracy, human rights, and resilience during and between network meetings.
- Collaborate with ICLD program managers to implement tools for enhancing local democracy and resilience and participate in peer-to-peer and digital training sessions organized by ICLD.
- Provide updated knowledge on implementing initiatives to strengthen local democracy and empower local authorities.
- Supporting ICLD in identifying best practices and effective outcomes from the partnership projects.
How to apply
Interested candidates are invited to submit their CV along with a letter of motivation, which should include responses to the mentorship questions listed below, to, Programme Officer. Mark the email with “Mentor” and “Ukraine”.
Shortlisted candidates will be contacted on a rolling basis for video interviews. Deadline for applications: 9 May 2024.
Mentor Inquiry
- Why did you choose to apply for the mentorship position?
- Please share your past experiences involving local democracy.
- From your perspective, what strengths and challenges do local governments in your context face when striving to promote equality and sustainability in local governance through a rights-based approach?
- How do you intend to collaborate with the assigned teams to provide them with support??
- How can your expertise and background contribute to the successful implementation of sustainable and organizational changes within local governance?
- Identify 3-6 local authorities in your region that excel in promoting citizen engagement and participation in local governance. Describe the impact of these efforts on public perception concerning citizen empowerment, accountability, transparency, trust, legitimacy, decision-making, government responsiveness, and overall fairness and inclusion.
Conditions of Employment
Ukranian Mentor in the Network for Democratic Resilience.
Number of Mentors wanted in this call:
1 – 2 mentors for 2-4 teams (consisting of 3 pers each) from Ukraine
Duration of the contract: The contract will commence on 1 September 2024, or as mutually agreed upon, with the option of annual renewal in 2025 and 2026.
From September to December, the newly appointed mentor will provide support to the existing mentors in their work with the teams, in addition to participating in the mentor training programme. In 2025, subject to the approval of the necessary project applications, there will be the possibility of renewing the contract and of coaching two to four partnerships independently.