Kibaha Waste Project 2:0
The first waste project preparations started with Kibaha Town Council (KTC) and Kibaha Education Centre (KEC) with the pre-study in 2011 (ICLD 2011:0001). The first Kibaha Solid Waste Project started 2012 (ICLD 2011-0060) and ended 2014. Kibaha Waste Project 2:0 (period 2015-2017) is a Project between KTC/KEC and Region Gotland.
The overall objective: “Create a sustainable waste management by creating awareness and economical prerequisite with both citizens and organization in Kibaha, and continue the work with constant improvements in waste management on Gotland.” (in 15 years)
The project objective: “Kibaha Town Council has a more functioning solid waste management compared to 2014 with strengthened and empowered cleaning groups which are self-sufficient and thereby an incentive for others to follow in a democratic process.” (in 3 years)
The Immediate objectives:
- The collection of waste and waste sorting has improved through the local Cleaning Groups (CBO: s) which are getting support (equipments) from the project and KTC organization year 1, 2 and 3.
- A sustainable organization and economical situation for the Cleaning groups (balance between collection fees and municipal operations fees, investigate from where the Cleaning groups can get increase in revenue).
- Investigation of the possibilities to start composting of organic waste to produce fertilizer in Kibaha has started year 1 and is completed year 2.
- Investigation of Hazardous waste and methods for handling of hazardous waste in Kibaha has started year 2 and a first plan for implementing a management system is ready year 3.
- Increase capacity building/knowledge in the waste area for both Kibaha and Gotland partners.
- Increase the public awareness in waste management and handling, in Kibaha and on Gotland.
- Both partners meet and work together and in each country every year.