Three ways to change the world.
How can you get involved?
Municipal Partnership
Sweden has a long tradition of local self-governance and of shouldering much of the responsibility for social services at local level. Swedish municipalities, county councils and regions are consequently a valuable repository of knowledge and experience that they can share with their equivalents in developing countries.
By involving your municipality in a Municipal Partnership, you will not only become involved in international development partnerships, you will have the chance to improve your own operations by learning from others. Over 60 Swedish municipalities, county councils and regions are already involved in a Municipal Partnership.
International Training Programmes
ICLD’s training programmes are aimed at politicians and local government officials in Swedish partner countries and countries in transition. The opportunity for the participants to learn from Swedish cutting edge skills, experience and methodologies in the field of local democracy development is what lies at the heart of the training programmes. There is, however, another goal, namely the creation of long-term networks and partnerships between developing countries and between the participants and Swedish stakeholders.
There are six different international training programmes, all of which are free of charge for the participants, with participants’ travel costs and board and lodging also financed by ICLD.
ICLD is also constantly looking for Swedish municipalities and regions who are interested in becoming part of this international exchange of experience and who can host study visits for the participants.
Successful democratic development work must always be based on knowledge and research.
ICLD’s Knowledge Centre functions as a hub for knowledge and research into local democracy. We document, analyse and disseminate new findings on local self-governance, decentralisation and capacity development within the field of international development collaborations. We initiate and finance new research, and organise regular in-house workshops and seminars.