School development project

The project is a cooperation between Kattegattgymnasiet in Halmstad and three schools in Moshi (RVTSC-VETA Moshi, Karanga Technical Training Center and J.K. Nyerere Secondary School). School development has been the main theme for the project through teacher exchanges between the schools. Some pupils also participated in the exchange.

The purpose of the cooperation has been how to work with sustainable development and democracy in theoretical and vocational education.

In February 2012 a delegation from Kattegattgymnasiet visited the Tanzanian schools and continued the projects which started 2009-11. The work with the water pump based on wind and sun energy continued as did the work with the construction of a washing machine based on a bicycle (WoshaWosha). Seminars about how to work with democracy issues in daily lessons took place. According to the wishes of the schools in Moshi we started a new part of the project about HIV/AIDS where Swedish pupils introduced interactive exercises which can be used in the education about HIV/AIDS. In May 2012 teachers and pupils from the Tanzanian schools visited Halmstad. Several study visits and seminars based on the themes sustainable development and democracy took place.

We consider the goals and results from the application to be in the main reached. Education concerning sustainable development and democracy in the participating schools has developed. The knowledge about how to work with these issues has increased.