Paving way for support and skills-training of dropouts
The project objective sets a good and dynamic cooperation between public and voluntary actors when it comes to identifying, approaching and supporting young males and females, which have dropped out of school/education and gone into open unemployment.
After two years of working together, the project partners have mapped internal relations, clarified responsibilities, exchanged best practices and adopted new policies and measures to take the work forward. The new know-how supports internal capacity and efficiency. The project partners have developed readiness to meet the young dropouts, coach them, motivate them, skills-train them and – finally – find new ways to approach labour-market.
The long-term vision is to strive towards a future society with strong and confident young males and females active in schools and at ordinary labour-market in Växjö and Potchefstroom. The vision includes dynamic public actors supporting the young target-group in a qualitative way, leading to social security, high rate of employment and feelings of being part of and contributing to society.