Kontaktcenter; utveckling av service och tillgänglighet

The two-year project is based on a problem analysis where the cooperation of the municipalities respectively Contact Centers are faced with a need for development regarding their work. It is about the overall development of availability, service, treatment, new technology and work environment that will affect citizens’ contact with local democracy. The results may also promote accountability and transparency when the municipality becomes more accessible. Cooperation Municipalities have different challenges, strengths, weaknesses, experiences and expertise in this problem area. This allows the exchange of expertise will give results and effects of both parties.

The goal is to achieve an increased competence of all service people, but to some extent also a politician, concerning the strategies, methods and good experiences around the Contact Center’s work refers to four areas:

  • high availability
  • service and treatment
  • new technology and design of facilities that benefit paragraphs 1 and 2 above
  • work environment, satisfaction and development of employees in the Contact Center

The new skills will have helped to plan and pilot testing for implementation of selected strategies, methods and good experiences that will develop the municipality’s Contact Centre.