Borlänge and Lodwar, Kenya

Project: Inclusive municipalities for refugees

Borlänge and Lodwar municipalities have succefully implemented an inception phase project (dnr 2017-0049) that laid foundation for a long-term partnership between the two municipalities. The focus of the inception phase project was to create a municipal partnership that foster a democratic inclusion of refugees. The two municipalities met in Borlänge and Lodwar and discussed challenges related to democratic inclusion of refugees into the Kenyan and Swedish societies.

By using the Logical Framework Approach (LFA) the municipalities identified gender equality and segregation to be the main challenges related to integration. The two municipalities agreed to apply funding from ICLD for a three year long municipal partnership project and a three year long steering group project, in order to realise democratic inclusion of refugees in both municipalities.

The overall aim of this project is to contribute to democratic, inclusive municipalities for refugees which is socially, economically and environmentally sustainable.

This will be achieved through increased competence among political and none political decision-makers and mainstreaming gender into integration policies and approaches. The two municipalities will learn from each others’ efforts for minimizing and preventing segregation. The project will be connected to UN:s Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for the implementation of project activities and measuring of the achievement of project objectives.

Read more about the impact this partnership is having here.