From Exclusion to Inclusion: The Understanding, Capacity, and Will to Change Local Government Practices

In a recently published book by Springer: ”New Urban Agenda in Asia-Pacific” learnings from local democracy work within the work of ICLD is highlighted in a chapter written by Björn Möller, Quality Assurance Manager.

Local governments’ proximity to the citizens, and their understanding of the specific needs of the communities they govern, allow them to play a potentially central role in creating inclusive societies. Local governments are already implementing relevant measures, and several are cooperating with other local governments, globally, in this endeavour. Drawing on cases of municipal partnerships between local governments in Sweden and Africa, Asia and Europe, as well as on development projects led by participants in training programmes supported by the Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD), this chapter highlights the importance of mobilizing broad support, raising awareness for reform initiatives, and strengthening local government capacity. The projects studied also highlight the value of partnerships, not only for generating new ideas and knowledge, but also for reform initiatives to gain added momentum from being part of global development agendas such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the New Urban Agenda.

You can find more information about the book and purchase it HERE.

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