Women’s Political Leadership Programme – final evaluation report
Final evaluation report of ICLD international training programme Women’s Political Leadership 2017-2019
The purpose and objective of this evaluation has been:
- to provide ICLD with input and reflections on the structure and content of their international training programme “Political leadership programme” 2017-2019.
- to through semi structured interviews with participants, mentors and other relevant actors provide ICLD with reflections and suggestions on improvements for future arrangements of the programme.
- to through a comparative analysis between the Political Leadership Programme and two other similar programmes, one internal international training programme (ITP) at ICLD and one external leadership programme, provide ICLD with reflections and improvements for future arrangements of the programme.
- to provide ICLD with a way to assess to what extent the programme is relevant to its stakeholders and to ICLDs own goals and objectives.
The conclusion of the evaluators is that the Cohort 4 and 5 is achieving its objectives and is relevant to ICLD´s goals and to the priorities and policies of its stakeholders. We also conclude that the programme has a substantial impact on the participants and the mentors in their roles as political leaders. We do however see that the layout of the programme could be improved for greater impact and to strengthen the sustainability to make sure the benefits last over time.