Town Planning and Environment in Mariental Municipality

Project During the Partnership Project 2009-2010 the two Municipalities together worked with producing a ”Town Planning Scheme”. During this working together period Mariental Municipality expressed their wish to also cooperate with the next ”Structure Plan”. In this the Municipalities long-term and visionary goals will be described. Mariental Municipality has in their planning a lot of circumstances to consider; frequent floods, heavy growing settlements caused of growing population, a complex environmental situation (water, sewerage and waste) increased by the floods. Mariental Municipality buys the planning from en external consultant. The Mariental Municipality’s experience as purchaser is of limited extent.

The task in this part of the Partnership will for the Municipality of Staffanstorp be to assist and support Mariental as a purchaser with a view to get an excellent new Structure Plan. During the Partnership and the mutual visits will the planning staff and some of the politicians also get some education and supervision in how to work with planning.

An other important democratic part in the project is to make the planning visible for the citizens in the Municipality.