Local Democracy Cross-pollination

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Local Democracy Cross-pollination

The main objective of the seminar series ”Cross-pollination” was to facilitate continuous structured learning, knowledge-sharing and exchange of practical experience among teams in ICLD’s programmes across the world in a deliberate effort to address key emerging issues and challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This meeting series has now changed its structure and design and will be given under the name ICLD Alumni Talks.

Previous seminars:

10 March 2022: Get women more involved!

Seminar report: Strengthening Effective Participation and Equitable Representation of Women in Local Democracy

20 October 2021

Seminar report: Advancing Women’s Economic Empowerment in local democracies to address Increased Unemployment and correlated Gender Based Violence (PDF)

Above, you can watch the recording from the seminar on October 20 2021.

9 June 2021

Seminar report: Gender Responsive budgeting as a fundamental response to economic distress due to Covid-19

Anne Scheffer Leander, programme officer and Johan Lilja, Secretary General at ICLD at the very first cross-pollination seminar in June 2021. Photo: ICLD