Svensk partner: Region Dalarna

Youth Voices for Influence and Participation

Dalarna county and Hubei province became sister regions in September 2011. In order to secure a long-term friendship and mutual understanding between our regions it is important to include young people in the cooperation. Young people of today will be the leaders of tomorrow.

With that in mind, the overall objective for the different measures in this project is to enhance the possibilities for young people to influence the decision making processes on regional development and to give our regional organizations the opportunity to learn from young people’s perspectives.

Specific Results:

  • When the project is completed, the project goal is that the young participants have received more knowledge about their rights and possibilities to affect in the regional development.
  • The goal is also that the steering group within the management and coordination project will participate in the four bigger arrangements that Youth V.I.P D/H will implement during the Peace and Love festival in Borlänge and Love and Peace in Wuhan.
  • Both of the regional governing bodies should have received information and knowledge about the result of the yearly participant survey that have been accomplished within Youth V.I.P D/H.
Culture, leisure, sport and/or tourism
Svensk partner
Region Dalarna
Internationell partner
Hubei Provincial Peoples Government

Youth Voices for Influence and Participation II Dalarna/Hubei

The project’s goal is that Region Dalarna and Hubei Provincial Government involve youth perspective in the planning and decision-making process.

The project work with youth counselors by increasing their competence and roll in the municipalities. The youth counselors then reach out to the student councils in order to test a method for Citizen’s Dialogue between the youth and the regional governing bodies. Region Dalarna and Hubei Provincial Government shall send at least one proposal to the student council in the pilot municipalities to take in the young people’s opinions and suggestions during the 3 years.

These intermediate goals should also be met:

  • Politicians and youth counselors are on the same page regarding the importance of adopting youth
  • Region Dalarna and Hubei Government have a method for Citizen’s Dialogue, and engage young people in the planning and decision-making process.
  • Officials are aware of the importance of adopting youth perspective in their proposals, and involve youth strategist and youth counselors in their planning process.

Long-termly, for the sustainable development of our regions, we aim to build a more inclusive society where youth perspective are included, youth’s competence utilised, and more youth stay or move back to our regions.

Social care and wellbeing
Svensk partner
Region Dalarna
Internationell partner
Hubei Provincial Peoples Government