Samarbetsland: Tanzania

Voluntary Local Reviews with community-based participatory research

Regional focus: Tanzania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Global

Time: February – December 2023

Summary: ICLD is financing three small-scale studies to conduct Voluntary Local Reviews with participatory methods, and one comparative study to draw conclusions on the use of CBPR in reporting on the SDGs.

The global movement of Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) is growing fast. Cities, local and regional governments worldwide are using VLRs to track and report on progress toward the SDGs. Undertaking a VLR can benefit a local government by:

  • evaluating and monitoring progress
  • demonstrating political commitment
  • enabling civic participation
  • identifying priority areas for local sustainable action.

However, many VLRs do not take citizens’ thoughts and perspectives into account, thereby missing potentially important conclusions. At the same time, development researchers hold that participatory research methods have the greatest chance of creating positive change for marginalized groups. ICLD therefore identified Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) as an opportunity to develop deeper VLRs through co-creation between researchers, citizens and municipalities. This aims to yield useful insights for the municipality in question while strengthening vulnerable communities as well as contribute to the collective understanding of how SDG follow-up can be improved. The latter is analyzed on an aggregated level in a comparative study, in order to enhance scientific development and evaluate the initiative.

The research project should answer to the following questions:

  • How has the selected local government advanced the localization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development? What data is available? What have been key priorities?
  • How are citizens and other social actors perceiving the implementation of the SDGs and how are they involved?
  • What can we learn about participatory approaches in reporting on the SDGs? Does it enhance the potential for impact of the VLR?

Project components

Kibaha Town Council, Tanzania

Researcher: Sophia Mgoba, Assistant Lecturer, Institute of Development Studies, University of Dar es Salaam

The study in Kibaha Town Council will bring new knowledge on the implementation of the SDGs at the local level from the perspective of urban East Africa by involve citizen science activity to facilitate regular exchange among beneficiaries of SDG related interventions and create local expertise for ongoing monitoring of the goals: citizen observatories. Kibaha’s VLR fócuses on SDGs 5, 10, 11, 16 and 17.

Kibaha Town Council is in a municipal partnership with Region Gotland and part of the Sustainable Futures Network.

Emboreet village, Tanzania

Researcher: Asia Majid, Assistant Lecturer, Institute of Development Studies, University of Dar es Salaam

In the Maasai village of Emboreet, participatory video mixed with focus groups, interviews and survey data will contribute to outlining the progress and ignite further action on goals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16 and 17. The participatory approach will provide room for dialogue between different groups of stakeholders by exploring their experiences, practices, and values and will enable the Emboreet community members to reflect on future opportunities.

Emboreet is in a municipal partnership with Strängnäs and part of the Sustainable Futures Network. The two Tanzanian cases are coordinated through ICLD’s MoU with University of Dar es Salaam and undertaken in close coordination with UN Habitat, UCLG and ALAT to ensure uptake of the local perspective in Tanzania’s national SDG reporting.

Bijeljina, Bosnia & Herzegovina

Researchers: Denisa Saraljic, Selma Zulic and Anida Sokol, SCRIPTA

The city of Bijeljina is the first local government in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) that undertook a systematic approach in the localization of the Agenda 2030 and SDGs, and this study contributes to their first report on the progress to that end.

The key objective of this research is to enable and empower community members to have their voice heard on the progress in achieving SDG in the City of Bijeljina, and contribute to a deeper understanding of how local communities and citizens benefit directly from the initiatives seeking to implement measures towards the achievement of SDGs. Using an immersive process employing community mapping and storytelling, it will explore SDG 5, 10 and 17.

Comparative research

Researcher: Andrea Ciambra, University of A Coruña, Spain

A comparative study aggregates lessons learned from these three participatory VLRS to provide answer to questions such as:

  • Does participatory monitoring give new types of insights on SDG fulfilment?
  • Can participatory VLRs bring about positive transformation where they are conducted?
  • How can we make VLR processes better and more inclusive?
Inclusive leadership and governance


Project: Social Sustainability

Strängnäs and Emboreet previously had a partnership between the years 2012-2016. In their new project, they intend to increase both Emboreet’s and Strängnäs’s ability to take young people’s ideas into account and thereby increase the level of democratic dialogues with adults in the village and higher decision-making organs to formulate strategies and policies within the thematic topic of the environment and climate change.

EducationEnvironment/Climate changeInclusive leadership and governance
Globala mål
10 - Minskad ojämlikhet12 - Hållbar konsumtion och produktion13 - Bekämpa klimatförändringarna4 - God utbildning för alla
Child rights and youth participationParticipatory democracy, citizen dialogues and budgeting
Svensk partner
Strängnäs kommun
Internationell partner
Emboreet, Simanjiro

Child-Focused Cities Analytical Framework

This research project, aiming to develop an analytical tool to address the Sustainable Development Goals from a child rights perspective, is divided into multiple steps. Phase two, conducted in 2023-2024 is described first while phase 1, which served to build the conceptual groundwork for the analytical framework, is described after.

Phase 2 – Child-Focused Cities [CFC] for the Sustainable Futures Network

Regional focus: Eastern Africa / Southern Africa / Europe / Latin America The Sustainable Futures Network

Time: July 2023 – July 2024


Child-Focused Cities (CFC) brings together a group of engaged researchers epistemologically curious about the inclusion of children and youth in local democracy. The group revolves around questions of why, how, where, and under what circumstances children and young people are recognised as political subjects and crucial role-players in shaping sustainable futures.

The project will facilitate cross-sectoral exchange between local decision-makers, researchers, and practitioners by embracing the format of Research Circles. Through local partnerships with reputable professional organizations specializing in working with children and young individuals, the research will enable creative interpretation of the CFC initial concept, thus illuminating multiple geographical and cultural registers around childhood, and providing the indispensable link between local politics and research. The ultimate goal of this research is to develop a toolbox as a collection of practical instruments and protocols that will be essential for advancing the CFC agenda within the Sustainable Futures Network.

Research team

  1. Jua Cilliers [Australia], School of Built Environment, University of Technology Sydney
  2. Paula Barros [Brazil], Escola de Arquitetura Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
  3. Lynne Cairns [Scotland], Centre for Research into Violence and Abuse (CRiVA), University of Durham
  4. Caroline Brown [Scotland],The Urban Institute, School of Energy, Geosciences, Infrastructure and Society, Heriot-Watt University
  5. Predrag Milic [Serbia/Austria], Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, TU Wien / Faculty of Architecture and Planning Austria
  6. Rongedzayi Fambasayi [South Africa], Play Africa Group NPC, Children’s Museum / Law and Development Research, North-West University
  7. Rejoice Katsidzira, [Zimbabwe] Center for Human Rights, University of Pretoria

Phase 1 – Let’s get together and make change: Towards The Child-Focused Cities Analytical Framework

Regional focus: East Africa, global

Time: October-December 2022

This study is conducted with an Impact Research Grant – stipends for projects designed to facilitate solutions to a local government’s expressed needs. The projects build on Local Democracy Labs, where local governments discuss a current issue with expert researchers.


This research ultimately aims to create a new toolkit –a relational object – that reframes the current Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from children’s perspectives in their respective everyday-life environments. Such a tool aims at the paradigmatic shift of the child-friendly city approaches by claiming that “friendly is not enough”! Conceptualised as the Child-Focused City Analytical Framework, the toolkit should offer guidance for analysis andaction to local governments, municipalities, and professionals within and beyond the ICLD network. In short, this project will enable a team of international scholars to revisit, contextualise, and stress-test the concept of the CFCAF, developed during the LDA2022. In this ”stage zero” phase, contextualising the CFCAF to the needs of partnering local governments and professionals serves to stress-test the toolkit, jointly draw conclusions and prepare for its further development.

With a participatory approach and co-creation of results, the project encounters municipalities in their respective realities and engage in a constructive dialogue around child and youth inclusion. As a group of international scholars, the researchers will not do ”research”, but ”praxis: reflection and action upon the world in order to transform it” (Freire 2005: 51).

Municipal partners for this project are Livingstone and Victoria Falls, Zambia, while multiple municipalities participate as observers.

Inclusive leadership and governance
Globala mål
11 - Hållbara städer och samhällen17 - Genomförande och globalt partnerskap
Child rights and youth participationHuman RightsParticipatory democracy, citizen dialogues and budgeting

Admission requirements

Invited countries

Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia.

Target group

The programme is aimed at governmental officials from local governments. Applicants must be nominated by their local government (municipality/county) and it must be clear in the application that the organisation supports the proposed change process with which the participants of the training intend to work during the training if accepted.

Local governments must apply in teams of three (3). Each team must include the following functions:

  1. Manager (from a management group within the local government, or similar),
  2. Gender equality strategist/coordinator, and
  3. Economist, development strategist, or other function of importance to the change process.

Functions 2 and 3 are referred to as governmental officials. The application should clearly identify which member of the team holds each of these roles. Ensure diversity in the team regarding ethnicity, age, gender and/or ability.

Elected Politician

Participating local governments will be asked during the training programme to invite an elected politician to participate in parts of the training, preferably a mayor or a member of the local government’s executive committee, at two occasions.

Language requirements

The training programme will be organised and conducted in English. Proficiency in English shall be indicated in the Application form.

Health requirements

Considering the training programme consists of international travels and work away from home in a new environment, good health and ability to work without health restrictions is required. It is therefore recommended that candidates undergo a medical examination before filling in the Medical Statement in the Application form.

Other requirements

Nominations are assessed on individual and organisational merits. 24 participants will be selected to the programme taking into account that the participants bring diversity to the group through their various backgrounds and professional qualifications.


All training costs pertaining to lectures, literature, documentation, study tours and certain social activities as well as accommodation and food will also be covered by the organiser. All international travel costs related to the programme will be covered by the programme organiser. Costs for personal expenses are not included and are the responsibility of the participant or his/her organisation.


Participants are responsible for obtaining all relevant visas during all scheduled parts of the programme. The costs for obtaining visas are to be borne by the participant.


All participants are covered under a group insurance while on scheduled parts of the programme. Medical and dental checkups are not included.


Participants who successfully complete all scheduled parts will be awarded a Certificate of completion of training.

Application process

Application shall be made electronically, via link here below and include a recent photograph and all required information and documents. An outline of the Change Process aiming at developing gender equality in your municipality or district and to contribute to equitable and inclusive lives for all citizens.
The Change Process must be described in the application and you will be asked to describe:

  • The challenge your team wish to address
  • How the institutional strategic focus is affected by the problem
  • Which policy and practice gaps the change process will address

The application page contains details of what to include with your application. After an initial selection, a few chosen candidates will be invited for the interview, after which the final round of selection will take place.

ICLD operates anti-discrimination policy and all training courses are open to anyone despite the physical ability. If you have some physical disability, please let us know so we can solve all the practical issues that may arise.

The activities in the programme will be carried out on-site or digitally. If the situation occurs that we are forced to postpone workshops due to unforeseen situations, ICLD will suggest new dates when the majority of participants can participate. If no dates are possible, ICLD will consider carrying out the workshop digitally.

Programme structure

The training consists of four compulsory workshops, of which all four are full time scheduled trainings. Periods between workshops are homebased. The total duration of the programme is 18 months.

The Inception workshop will be held in Zambia, February 15 – 18, 2022
The Follow-up workshop will take place in Kenya, September 19 – 23, 2022.
The ICLD team visit to Tanzania will take place in December 5 – 9, 2022
The Sweden Phase workshop will take place in May, 2023
The Final workshop will take place in Uganda, September, 2023.

All workshops except the Sweden Phase workshop will be held in the participating countries. The Sweden Phase workshop will be carried out in Sweden.

Phase 1
Inception workshop (5 days inclusive travels)

More exact location to be decided.

Participating teams, mentors and programme management develop a shared understanding of the content, structure, methodology and management of the programme. The proposed change processes will be discussed interactively, showing in which ways the local government wants to work with sustainable gender equality in their organisation, within the framework of the 18 months training programme. Participants are expected to participate actively and to provide feedback on the challenges faced by the other teams. A seminar on local democracy and gender equality will be included in the workshop agenda. The Inception workshop will be held over the course of three days in one of the participating countries.

Work with the Change Process (6 months, in home country)

Back in their respective local communities the participants will continue to develop their change process in line with
the feedback they received during the Inception workshop. Participants will actively use web-based tools for interaction with facilitators and other participants.

Participants are expected to work continuously and regularly with the change process during the time between each workshop. An assignment will be presented for the team to work on and report back on before the next training session. Teams will have meetings with their mentors, digitally or IRL.

Phase 2
Follow-up workshop (5 days inclusive travels)

More exact location is still to be decided.
A follow-up workshop seminar will be arranged in one of the participating countries, for the participants to present the progress of their Change Process. The workshop provides an opportunity for peer review and a deeper look into challenges for institutional change. The programme of the follow-up workshop also includes study visits and lectures provided by the ICLD and other relevant lecturers.

This is the first occasion where a politician from the local government is expected to participate. All participants will be present during the first three days of the Follow-up workshop which will focus on change management through steering and leadership
using the gender mainstreaming method. During the remaining day of the week, the governmental officials and the national mentors will work intensively with the change process. The training week will be held over the course of three + one days in one of the participating countries.

Continuation of the work with the Change Process (6 months, in home country)

The team continues to work with its change process in line with the feedback and knowledge input they have received during the
Follow-up workshop. An assignment will be given to the team to work on and report back on before the next training session. The teams are visited by their mentor in their workplace, who then reports back to ICLD on the ongoing change process.

Participants will actively use web-based tools for interaction with facilitators and other participants.
Participants are expected to work continuously and regularly with the change process during the time between each workshop.

Phase 3
Sweden Phase workshop (2 weeks)

The training in Sweden will be held over the course of two weeks and consists of a series of lectures, workshops and study visits covering the modules gender mainstreaming, citizen participation and inclusive decision-making, transparency and other themes with a bearing on responsibility of local governing in Sweden. The two weeks in Sweden will give the participating teams an understanding of how Swedish local and regional administrations work especially with gender mainstreaming and equality work.  All participants are present during the first week when the focus of the seminars will be management and leadership. The first week also includes municipal study visits, during which the team spends two days in a municipality, meeting with colleagues (managers and governmental officials) and exchanging experiences on gender equality work and gender mainstreaming change processes. The second week is for the governmental officials only, with the content customised for the target group and focus on the implementation of gender equality work.

Continuation of the work with the Change Process (4 months, in home country)

The team continues to work with its change process in line with the knowledge input they have received during the Swedish phase. An assignment will be given to the team to work on and report back on before the next training session. The teams are visited in their workplace by their mentor, who then reports back to ICLD on the ongoing work. Participants will actively use web-based tools for interaction with facilitators and other participants. Participants are expected to work continuously and regularly with the change process during the time between each workshop.

ICLD Team visits to one of the participating countries

The team continues to work with its change process in line with knowledge and input received during previous workshops.
All teams are visited by their mentors and some teams will also be visited by ICLD programme management team. A Quality review on teams progress, lessons learnt from training and networking within the programme.

Phase 4
Final workshop (5-6 days inclusive travels)

More exat location is still to be decided.

The results of the team’s change process are presented at the Final workshop, and this is the second occasion when a politician is invited to attend. Managers, governmental officials and politicians meet for the last time within the framework of the training
programme. Managers and governmental officials are awarded a certificate upon completion of the training. The Final workshop will be held over the course of three days in one of the participating countries. This workshop marks the formal end of the programme.

Learning processes

The programme employs a mixture of pedagogical methods such as lectures, group work, forum discussions, study visits and facilitated support by the assigned mentors. ICLD-conducted training is aiming at being learner-centered and having clearly articulated learning objectives. ICLD also strives to support participant´s awareness of their own learning.
Support for planning, implementation and evaluation of the Change Process is mainstreamed throughout the whole programme. The number of participants is limited to 24 in order to ensure a close working relationship between participants, ICLD-staff, mentors and lecturers.

Management and staff

All four phases of the International Training Programme are carried out under the support and management of the ICLD. In addition, the programme is supported locally by professional mentors being selected by the ICLD.

Admission requirements

Invited countries

All countries on the OECD-DAC listed ODA-eligible countries, are eligible for the programme, but if a local election is held during the year when the training takes place, the country is temporarily taken off the list. See this list

Target group

Only elected women politicians (currently in office) in a local/regional government will be considered. ICLD will prioritize applicants holding a position of Mayor or Deputy Mayor but will also exceptionally accept applicants who are Councilors. We at ICLD aim to create a group that includes both majority and opposition politicians, as well as a diversity of ages and experience. ICLD trainings are open to all that are eligible, irrespective of physical ability.

Candidates who have previously participated in an ICLD training programme financed by Sida cannot apply for this programme.

Language requirements

The training programme will be organised and conducted in English. Proficiency in English shall be indicated in the Application form.

Health requirements

Considering the training programme consists of international travels and work away from home in a new environment, good health and ability to work without health restrictions is required. You need to be enjoying full working capacity and to be able to engage in an active programme with long days of seminars, study visits and interactive networking. It is therefore recommended that candidates undergo a medical examination before filling in the Medical Statement in the Application form.

Other requirements

The outline of the problem to be addressed by the change process will be of crucial importance in the selection of participants. Once selected, the participant is required to attend all scheduled parts of the 12-months programme and must have approval to participate in all aspects of the program from her local authority. She is required to actively participate in the workshops and complete assignments between workshops (journals, reports).

Due to the nature of the programme, family members are NOT allowed to accompany participants to the programme.


All training costs pertaining to lectures, literature, documentation, study tours and certain social activities as well as accommodation and food will also be covered by the organiser. All international travel costs related to the programme will be covered by the programme organiser. Costs for personal expenses are not included and are the responsibility of the participant or her organisation.


Participants are responsible for obtaining all relevant visas during all scheduled parts of the programme. The costs for obtaining visas are to be borne by the participant. It is important to start the Visa process as soon as possible after beeing invited to the programme and to specific workshops.


All participants are covered under a group insurance while on scheduled parts of the programme. Medical and dental checkups are not included.


Participants who successfully complete all scheduled parts will be awarded a Certificate of completion of training.

Application process

This information will soon be updated with dates for closing dates in 2024. Application shall be made electronically, via link here below and include a recent photograph and all required information and documents. An outline of the problem to be addressed by the change process shall be submitted as part of the application and plays a key role in the selection of participants.

The change process must be described in the application and you will be asked to describe:

  • The societal challenge/problem for change you want to address
  • Describe which democratic components – equity, participation, transparency and accountability – that are particularly crucial for addressing the challenge and its development to lead to better local democracy
  • In which way this work will anticipate citizens’ needs

The application page contains details of what to include with your application. After an initial selection, a few chosen candidates will be invited for the interview, after which the final round of selection will take place.

ICLD operates anti-discrimination policy and all training courses are open to anyone despite the physical ability. If you have some physical disability, please let us know so we can solve all the practical issues that may arise.

The activities in the programme will be carried out on-site or digitally. If the situation occurs that we are forced to postpone workshops due to unforeseen situations, we at the ICLD will suggest new dates when the majority of participants can participate. If no dates are possible, ICLD will consider carrying out the workshop digitally.

Inclusive leadership and governance

Programme structure

The training consists of three compulsory workshops, of which all three are full time scheduled trainings. Periods between workshops are homebased. The total duration of the programme is 12 months.

When will cohort 11 take place:
The Inception workshop will be held in late January 2025
The Swedish Phase workshop will most likely take place in September 2025
The Final workshop will take place in January 2026

All workshops except the Swedish Phase workshop will be held in the participating countries. The Swedish Phase workshop will be carried out in Sweden.

Phase 1
Inception workshop

(5-6 days including travels)

More exact location to be decided

After confirmed selection, the participants will be contacted by a programme manager at ICLD and invited to the Inception workshop.

The participants and the programme management develop a shared understanding of the content, structure, methodology and management of the programme. Topics addressed in this workshop, among others: teambuilding and networking, developing the change process, and introduction to the Sustainable Development Goals. The tuition during the inception workshop consists of group discussions and lectures with a combination of Swedish and/or international experts from the region.

The Inception workshop will be held over the course of three days in one of the participating countries.

Work with the Change Process (6-7 months, in home country)

Back in their respective local communities the participants will continue to develop their Change Process. Participants will actively use web-based tools for interaction with facilitators and other participants.

Phase 2
Swedish Phase workshop

(2 weeks in Sweden including travels)

Participants will meet in Sweden for a cultural exchange, advanced leadership training, introduction to Swedish women politicians/mentors and a two-day study visit to a Swedish municipality or region. Topics of study will include, among others: the Swedish model of governance, gender equality and good governance, anti corruption, communication skills and how to be a good role model among other things. Tuition consists of interactive lectures and group discussions with Swedish and international experts combined with study excursions, group work and discussions.

Phase 3
Final workshop

(5 days including travels)

More exact location to be decided

The participants and the Swedish mentors meet in one of the participating countries. The goal of this workshop is to summarize and share the challenges, opportunities and
lessons learned throughout the programme. The participants will present their Change Process results. The programme also includes study visits and lectures provided by the ICLD and relevant lecturers. This workshop marks the formal end of the programme.

Learning processes

The programme employs a mixture of pedagogical methods such as lectures, group work, forum discussions, study visits and facilitated support by the assigned mentors. Support for planning, implementation and evaluation of the Change Project is mainstreamed throughout the whole programme. The number of participants is limited to 25 in order to ensure a close working relationship between participants, ICLD-staff, mentors and lecturers.

Management and staff

All the three phases of the International Training Programme are carried out under the support and management of the ICLD. In addition, the programme is supported by Swedish mentors being selected by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR).

Inclusive leadership and governance

Programme objectives

The programme aims to provide the following changes in the participant: 

  • Empower the participant with improved leadership skills  
  • Help the participant to fully utilize the power and influence of her position  
  • Strengthen her as a role model to encourage political participation among marginalized groups  
  • Give her access to a network of women in similar positions

During the training, the participant will work on her change process and implement a strategy to make the local authority equitable, participatory, transparent and accountable. 


  • Valuable exchange of knowledge and experiences
  • Extended regional and international networks
  • Improved skills as a ”change agent” in initiating and implementing instituational change
  • Skills and abilities to communicate and advocate on issues of inclusive governance
  • Three-day study-visit in a Swedish municipality or region
  • Support to improve participation, equality, transparency and accountability in the local governance

What we will offer:

  • Advanced training in communication, strategic planning and leadership
  • Swedish mentorship including an individual three-day study visit in a Swedish municipality or region
  • International exposure to different political experiences
  • An opportunity for your municipality to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)


  • Through skills training workshops on site or digitally
  • Identification of challenges and finding solutions to issues faced by women politicians
  • By offering strategic support and coaching from ICLD staff and mentors
  • In sharing of professional obstacles and successes in an inclusive environment

Change process

The participant is expected to develop and work with a change process of her choice during the training. The change process should address a real problem of concern to the politician, thus contribute to translating the theoretical content of the training programme into capacity development and institutional change within her municipality. The change process aims to increase political accountability, helping leading politicians to better respond to the needs of the citizens. An outline of the problem to be addressed by the change process shall be submitted as part of the application, and plays a key role in the selection of participants. The change process requires strong commitment and involvement of the politician and should lead to the proposal of a solution. Keep in mind that there is NO funding available from ICLD for project implementation.

Inclusive leadership and governance

Programme objectives

The main objective of this training programme is to give the participants the tools they need and the knowledge required for the optimum development of gender mainstreaming and for bringing about change and institutionalization within their own local government. All parts of the training are based on equity, participation, transparency and accountability, and the goal is to strengthen democracy in the organisations taking part in the training. The longterm objective is gender equality and the possibility for all citizens to live equal lives.

The programme is based on Agenda 2030 and the 17 sustainable development goals. A special focus is placed on
goal #5 – gender equality. Every local government participating in the programme is therefore expected to carry out a change
process using the gender mainstreaming method. Many Swedish municipalities use gender mainstreaming as a strategy for achieving the Swedish government’s gender equality political goals. Gender mainstreaming means that a gender equality assessment must be conducted of all policies that affect the way people live, so that everyone – women and men, girls and boys – can live gender-equal lives.

What to expect

  • Carry out a change process using the gender mainstreaming method
  • Conduct gender equality assessment on policies
  • Institutionalize gender equality to provide gender equal services to its citizens
  • In-depth knowledge of strategic planning connected to gender mainstreaming
  • Implement tools that promote gender equality
  • Change management and change communication

› Valuable exchange of knowledge and experiences
› Extended regional and international networks
› Improved skills as a ”change agent” in initiating and implementing instituational change
› Skills and abilities to communicate and advocate on issues of gender mainstreaming
› Support to improve equity and inclusion, participation, transparency and accountability in the local governance.
› Two-day study-visit in a Swedish municipality or region
› An opportunity for the participating municipality to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)


  • Through various trainings, lectures and workshops
  • By offering strategic support and coaching from ICLD staff and their mentors
  • In sharing of professional obstacles and successes in an inclusive environment

The importance of a strategic team

This training will give the participants the tools they need and the knowledge required for the optimum development of gender mainstreaming and for bringing about change and institutionalzation within their own local government.
ICLD’s core areas – equity and inclusion, participation, transparency, and accountability – will be included in the training content in addition to an extensive focus on gender mainstreaming as a method and tool for achieving sustainable gender equality.

Studies of sustainable gender equality work emphasise the importance of the management’s desire to create change.
Gender equality work must, therefore, be implemented in operating plans and policy documents, and not be designated as a project alongside everyday activity. Changes must be integrated to be sustainable. This is why every team must have different roles all of which, in different ways, contribute to the change process.
Local governments must be able to meet the complex challenges posed by the towns and cities they govern. They must also be able to change their own attitudes and behaviours to meet these challenges.

Change Process

All teams are expected to develop and work with a change process of your choice, during the training. The change process is the link between the theoretical knowledge that the participants will acquire during the training and the practical experience needed in the specific situations in which the various participants find themselves. The change process must be beneficial to the local government and can relate to any service delivery with a gender equality aspect. It is important to note that these processes will not be financed by ICLD, but by the accepted local governments themselves.

Region Gotland and Kibaha, Tanzania

Together Towards Sustainable Development Goals

The project aim is to create awareness and engagement on the Global Goals among students and stakeholders in secondary schools in Kibaha and on Gotland. The method will be to analyse strengths and weaknesses together in a dialogue based process in both organisations. Then an action plan on how to implement the work towards Sustainable Development Goals in teaching in two schools in Kibaha and Wisbygymnasiet. By creating awareness among students of the connection between local and global, the contribution from schools in the work toward SDG:s will increase.

Svensk partner
Region Gotland
Internationell partner
Kibaha Town Council