Forskningsprojekt status: Avslutad

Nudging for Sustainability: Insights for Sustainable Consumption

Regional focus: Kenya & Sweden / The Climate Action Network

Time: October 2023 – April 2024

This small-scale project is the follow up on a Local Democracy Lab with Mombasa County and the region of Västerbotten, where they jointly asked researchers the question: ”How can we use nudging to promote sustainable consumption and waste management by civic engagement (and enhanced capacity building)?

To evolve the lab discussion, this project aims to contextualize global best practices in nudging within the unique socio-cultural and administrative landscapes of Mombasa and Västernorrland, facilitating effective sustainable consumption and waste management strategies.

Research questions:

  1. What are the global best practices in using nudging techniques for sustainable consumption and waste management?
  2. How do experts from Mombasa and Västernorrland perceive the application and challenges of nudging within their specific contexts?
  3. How can the insights from global best practices be tailored and implemented effectively in Mombasa and Västernorrland?

Abstract: This project seeks to explore the potential of nudging as a transformative tool to enhance sustainable consumption and waste management in Mombasa and Västernorrland. Leveraging a comparative expert analysis approach, the research will commence with a comprehensive global best practice analysis to benchmark successful nudging interventions worldwide. This foundational understanding will be enriched by in-depth expert interviews from both regions, gathering insights on the nuances, challenges, and tailored solutions for nudging within their unique contexts. By synthesizing global best practices with regional expertise, the study aims to offer actionable, evidence-based strategies for local governments. The objective is not just to understand nudging in theory but to contextualize its application for real-world impact, ensuring sustainability initiatives are both effective and culturally resonant. Through this rigorous approach, the research aspires to bridge the gap between global knowledge and local implementation, fostering a sustainable future driven by informed decision-making.


  • Jua Cilliers, Professor of Urban Planning, Head of School of Built Environment, University of Technology Sydney

Environment/Climate change
Globala mål
13 - Bekämpa klimatförändringarna
Participatory democracy, citizen dialogues and budgeting

Tactical Urbanism for inclusive transport

Regional focus: East Africa/Kenya

Time: July 2023 – January 2024


In 2010, Kenya adopted a new constitution that established 47 autonomous counties leading to an accelerated development of urban areas and an increased pressure and demand for inclusive and sustainable interventions to cater for the rising population and motorization rates. Flone Initiative conducted a safety audit in Machakos Town to assess the state of the existing transport infrastructure in terms of safety, usability and design with a focus on women, children and persons with disability. The study revealed that the existing infrastructure was in need of improvements in accessibility, safety and universal design features. A key lesson learnt is that safety audits should be followed by low cost interventions that counties can easily pilot and implement. Premised on the concept of tactical urbanism, this action research study aims at proposing and piloting low-cost interventions to enhance inclusiveness, safety and usability in urban and peri-urban centres.


Naomi Mwaura, Flone Initiative, Tanzania

Note: this project builds on the toolbox by the same author:

Urban planning
Globala mål
10 - Minskad ojämlikhet11 - Hållbara städer och samhällen
Gender Equality

Interrogating the inclusion and participation of vulnerable groups in Zimbabwe’s local democracy

Regional focus: Zimbabwe

Time: January 2020 – June 2021

This study interrogates how different categories of vulnerability, and the physical, cultural, political and socioeconomic environment converge to influence inclusion and participation in local democracy.” Says Bernard Chazovachii from Great Zimbabwe University who is leading the research project.


The popular voices of women, children and youth, the elderly, cultural minorities, and differently abled persons are subdued in local governance power-politics without recourse to law and policies. Concomitantly, vulnerable groups’ participation in local governance and access to basic needs and services remains insufficient. A gap in empirical studies thus far speaks to the need to examine the extent to which available mechanisms are (in)adequate to facilitate the meaningful participation of marginalized groups in local democratic processes. Similarly, there exist a paucity of studies that implore vulnerable groups to add their voices on how they find the available mechanisms useful, and also shedding their experiences in local democracy participation. This study is dedicated to fill this research gap. This study has the potential to reveal policy and legal gaps that undermine both the resemblance of best international governance practices as well as increased participation of marginalized groups in local governance.

Research questions

  • What are the legal and policy frameworks for the participation of vulnerable groups in local governance issues?
  • What are the institutional practices for inclusion and participation of vulnerable groups in local government processes?
  • What are the experiences and perspectives of vulnerable groups in local democracy?
  • Which strategies can be adopted by policy makers for effective inclusion and participation of vulnerable groups in local democracy?

Research team

Bernard Chazovachii, Acting Dean of the School of Social Sciences, Great Zimbabwe University

Cowen Dziva, Lecturer for Nehanda Centre for Gender and Cultural Studies, Great Zimbabwe University

Sakhille Phillina Mukaro, Environmental Health Officer, Chiredzi Rural District Council

Manasa Sibanda, Chairperson of the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Great Zimbabwe University

Mavis Thokozile Macheka, Lectuerer, Great Zimbabwe University

Linet Sithole, Chairperson Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law, Midlands State University

Josiah Taru, Lectuerer, Great Zimbabwe University

Ellen Gozo, Chairperson Department of Rural and Urban Development, Great Zimbabwe University

Morality Policies and the Prospect for Inclusive Citizenship in Decentralized Indonesia: A Study of West Java

Regional focus: Indonesia

Time: January 2020 – July 2021


This project aims at explaining why cities have become exclusive against minorities, while others stay relatively inclusive by carrying a comparative study on policy-making processes in nine cities in West Java, Indonesia. West Java demands particular attention not only due to the fact that it has the largest population and voters, but also because it hosts several cities that have turned hostile against marginalized communities, especially the LGBTQ and faith-based minority groups. Exclusionary policies against these groups are often framed as “morality policies” and this research employs surveys as well as case studies to identify the factors that encourage local governments to (or dissuade them from) adopting exclusionary, “morality-framed” policies against minorities. Given the province’s centrality to Indonesian democracy, such knowledge is important as it will also help to determine the necessary elements of inclusive cities where minorities should be treated as equal citizens, which is beneficial for future advocacy.

Research questions

This research wants to examine why some cities in West Java turned exclusive by adopting or maintaining an exclusionary bylaw or policy against minorities, while others have not done so. It is expected that a knowledge on such policy-relevant issue may help in future advocacy for inclusive cities. This project would like to know whether morality framed, exclusionary policies are more likely to be adopted/maintained by cities that have a particular citizens’ value and less informational barriers that may encourage them to participate in policy-making processes that have something to do with their core values at the attitudinal level, and by cities that have strong partisanship and party competition at the institutional level— including to what extent such variance at the institutional level is informed by different practices of decentralization.

Research team

Wawan Mas’udi, Senior Lecturer, Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL), Universitas Gadjah Mada

Erwan Purwanto, Senior Lecturer, Dean, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL), Universitas Gadjah Mada

Ayu Rahmawati, Lecturer, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL), Universitas Gadjah Mada

Ulya Jamson, Lecturer, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL), Universitas Gadjah Mada

Fuji Prastowo, Lecturer, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL), Universitas Gadjah Mada

Whose voice matters for what? Local government inclusion and social accountability in post-conflict contexts

Regional focus: Kenya and Lebanon

Time: January 2020 – December 2022


While long-standing debates in the field of development have promoted participatory and inclusive
approaches, post-conflict contexts offer additional challenges through continued divisions along
former warring lines. As divisions also infiltrate the local level and its policy-making, local participation
does not necessarily offer an answer to issues of voice and inclusion at the local level. This project
compares local inclusion in Kenya and Lebanon, two post-conflict contexts divided along ethnic or
religious lines. The aim of the project is to identify who has voice and over what in local policy-making
and to explore what challenges and opportunities exist for local inclusion in post-conflict recovery.
Thereby, we will pay particular attention to local groups excluded from local power and resources.
The project generates new findings on how local inclusion and participation is hindered or enabled,
and what it means for post-conflict societies continuously divided along ethnic or religious lines.

Research questions

  • How do local communities participate in local policy-making in Kenya and Lebanon?
  • How do local communities exercise influence in local policy-making in Kenya and Lebanon?
  • How do post-conflict opportunities and challenges impact local inclusion and social
    accountability in Kenya and Lebanon?

Research team

Hanna Leonardsson, Assistant researcher, School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg

Jean-Bosco Habyarimana, Lecturer and researcher, Centre for Conflict Management, College of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Rwanda

Through inclusion and transparency, to equity and quality. Improvement of the local budget processes in North Macedonia

Regional focus: North Macedonia

Time: January 2020 – June 2021


The objective of this project is to investigate how equitable, inclusive, transparent and accountable Budget processes are at local government level, and at the same time to propose measures to improve them, and through that, to contribute to the development of local democracy in North Macedonia. The project will be implemented in four pilot municipalities from different regions, with the ambition to expand to all 81 municipalities in the future. The project involves conducting an initial citizen survey in the four municipalities, analysis of the survey with respect to the questions of interest, fieldwork with the municipalities and the citizens in order to improve the state of affairs, second survey in order to assess the results at the end of the project, development of web platform for presenting local budgets and engaging citizens during the whole process and development of an index for assessing municipalities with respect to equity, inclusion, transparency and accountability.


  1. Greater transparency leads to greater citizen satisfaction with the quality of the local services,
    especially for marginalized groups.
  2. Greater inclusion leads to greater citizen satisfaction with the preparation and realization of local budgets, especially for marginalized groups.
  3. Greater openness of local governments leads to greater transparency and inclusion of citizens in the budgetary process.

By testing these hypotheses the study aim to identify viable public policies which will contribute towards
greater inclusion of citizens, especially marginalized groups, in budget processes which will lead in
envisioning and implementing citizen-centered projects and initiatives by the local governments.

Research team

Dragan Tevdovski, Co-founder of ZMAI (Association of Young Analysts and Researchers) and professor at the Faculty of Economics, Ss. Cyril and Methodious University, Skopje

Branimir Jovanovikj, Researcher, ZMAI

Viktor Mitevski, President, ZMAI 

Ljupco Kocarev, member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of North Macedonia

Tanja Tomic, Social Inclusion Expert

Elena Trpkovska, Budget Expert

Viktor Stojkoski, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics Skopje

Nena Manchev, Researcher, ZMAI

Goran Mojanoski, Senior Associate, Ministry of Finance / ZMAI

The Role of Social Norms in Fighting Corruption in Local Governments

Regional Focus: Vietnam
Sustainable Development Goal #16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Time: December 2018 – October 2022

The overall aim of the project is to further contribute to the understanding of dynamics that underlie corruption, and the significance of local informal social norms, in relation to international anti-corruption conventions and national law, when building counteraction strategies on a local level. The overall aim raises the following core project objectives:

To systematically review the scholarly literature on corruption from a multi-level perspective (global, national and local), with the purpose of underlining the importance of a local approach.

To conduct an ethnographic case study of informal practices and anti-corruption efforts concerning schools in a specific city in Vietnam.

To apply participatory design principles, involving a school in the selected district, when developing an anti-corruption intervention that can serve as a model for counteracting corruption on local levels in different countries. The intervention design will be informed by the literature review and the ethnographic case study.

To assess the intervention design by applying and testing it in multiple locations/countries. The intention is to make use of the ICLD network of participants, in Municipal Partnerships and International training programmes, for this part of the study. The assessment will involve both indepth interviews and surveys.

To create teaching materials, based on the findings of the overall project, that can be used within the ICLD International training programmes and in other contexts where anti-corruption efforts on a local level are in focus.

Societal Relevance:
In Vietnam, the corruption maintains a substantial issue and impacts life of families on all levels of the society. Many children and their parents are exposed to the informal structures during the school years. According to a newspaper article from 2011, 62% of parents participating in a survey admitted having used either money or personal contact to register their children in desired schools. (Dinh-Cu, 2008; Dan Tri, 2011; Phuong, 2017) This project will conduct a review of all relevant literature, legislation and other policy documents in relation to the intervention and make it applicable within the ICLD network of participants in the Municipal partnership and International training programmes.

Måns Svensson, Associate Professor at Lund University, Sweden.

Andreas Mattsson, lecturer and program director at School of Journalism at Department of Communication and Media, Lund University.

In collaboration with a local researcher in Vietnam.

Legitimacy, urban planning and sustainability in Russia and Sweden

Regional Focus: Russia and Sweden
Sustainable Development Goals: #11 and #16
Time: August 2017 – December 2018

The project seeks to examine the processes of urban planning in Sweden and Russia, with a focus on the input, control and output legitimacy of that process. The concept of input legitimacy will be examined through an examination of the actors in the processes of urban planning. Control/throughput legitimacy will be examined through examination of the processes of urban planning. Output legitimacy will focus on the policy outputs of the process.
Through paired comparison of different examples of urban planning, this project will give insight into the quality of governance at the local level. Moreover, the focus will be on the politics and processes behind sustainable planning and development in a number of comparable regions in each country. Finally, the project will also be capacity-building, building on existing networks and fostering new ones between scholars and local government units in Sweden and Russia.

Research Questions:
What are the generating factors and challenges faced by each city or locality?
What are the belief systems, modes of reasoning and configurations of interests underlying planning in the Russian and Swedish contexts?
What are the processes of citizen involvement? How are issues as gender equality, ethnic diversity and individual functional variation included and represented? What mechanisms ensure that such interests are carried over into the overall comprehensive plan?

The project will focus on comparing the governance and outputs of Russian and Swedish planning processes in comparable contexts. The case studies will be conducted in Swedish, Russia and Denmark. In Sweden the project will look at the cities of Stockholm, Malmö, Kristianstad, Åstorp Region, Jokkmokk municipality, and Kiruna. In Russia, the cities and regions of St Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Petrozavodsk, Aramil (Sverdlovsk province), Nizhny Tagil (Sverdlovsk province), Kostomushka (Republic of Karelia) and Murmansk province (Lovozero district). In Denmark the city of Hørve (Ordsherred municipality, Denmark).

Prof. Bo Petersson, Global Political Studies, Malmö University
Dr Derek Hutcheson, Global Political Studies, Malmö University
Dr Marina Nistotskaya, Quality of Governance Institute, Univ. of Gothenburg
Dr Lina Olsson, Urban Studies, Malmö University
Anne Faurskov (non-academic practitioner), Principal, AFARkitektur (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Prof. Dmitrii Goncharov, Higher School of Economics, St Petersburg
Prof. Inessa Tarusina, North-Western Institute of Management, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)
Prof. Elena Trubina, Historical Sociology, Urals Federal University
Dr Elena Tselishcheva, RANEPA, Urals Institute of Administration
Dr Elena Tsumarova, Petrozavodsk State University
Evgenia Likhovtseva, Trinity College Dublin (Ireland)
Anna Zamareva, St Petersburg State University

Transforming the city from below: Localizing Grassroots initiatives, institutional entrepreneurship and inclusive urban governance

Regional Focus: Kenya
Sustainable Development Goals: 11
Time: March 2017 – March 2019

This project aims to examine how grassroots resilience initiatives (such as resident associations, women associations, youth groups, self-help groups, community-based organisations, cooperatives, public-private partnerships) providing critical urban services (water, waste, sewage, energy, security) contribute to improve the quality of life of urban dwellers, and to more inclusive forms of urban governance.
Theoretical results include contributions the growing body of inclusive urban governance, socio-environmental entrepreneurship and urban resilience literature. Empirical and policy contributions include guidelines and action points for local organizations on how to improve service delivery and resilience locally through collaborative networks, as well as strategies for how to engage in inclusive governance with authorities.
Regional Focus: Kenya

Research Questions:
-Grassroots resilience initiatives: In contexts of rapid urbanization, weak institutional capacity, political influence, poor economy and pervading informality:

– How do grassroots initiatives providing basic services instigate and/or activate institutional entrepreneurs and why? Within this question we will explore driving forces and obstacles experienced by these initiatives, as well as the collaborative and institutional arrangements with the local government created to provide these services.
Inclusive urban governance:
– What resources, rationales and relations need to be mobilized within local governments to support, integrate and/or diffuse these bottom-up practices? Within this question, we will explore the reasons behind local governments’ weakness to support local initiatives providing critical services and also how to reconstruct the absent or weak links between civil society groups and local government in order to strengthen local governments’ ability to provide co-produced critical services and establish the supportive institutional framework.

These questions will be explored through methodologies inspired by participatory action research, a combination of one in-depth case study on grassroots initiatives in Kisumu (Kenya), and through semi-structured and structured interviews both to grassroots initiatives and city officials and city politicians in Kenya and/or Eastern Africa.

Associate professor María José Zapata Campos, sociologist, University of Gothenburg (Sweden
Senior lecturer, Michael O. Oloko, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)
Professor Jaan-Henrik Kain, architect and urban planner, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden).
Associate professor Patrik Zapata, School of Public Administration, University of Gothenburg (Sweden).

Political and Social Inclusion in Asian Cities: Cases of Indonesia, India and Vietnam

Regional Focus: Indonesia, India, Vietnam
Sustainable Development Goals: #11
Time: November, 2016 to February, 2018

The proposed research project will examine institutional and structural barriers to full engagement of marginalized communities to promote and sustain local democracy in cities and towns. Specifically, it attempts to examine relationships between local democracy and different forms of barriers to political and social inclusion of marginalized urban communities, particularly women, youth, migrants and ethnic minorities in India, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Research Questions:
– What are the barriers (structural and institutional) to political and social inclusion of the marginalized groups including women, youth, migrants and ethnic minorities in cities and towns in India, Indonesia and Vietnam?
– To what extent and how are the marginalized groups fully engaged in mechanisms and processes of local democracy – including local elections, community organization and participation, accountability and transparency of urban local governments, and better access to basic urban services – to cope with these barriers?
– What works in terms of decentralization policy options, innovations and good practices to meet the needs and aspirations of marginalized groups and contribute to the achievement of SDG 11?

This project will conduct a review of all relevant legislation, policy documents and other literature. Interviews with key informants including government officials, urban experts, policy makers and representatives of CSOs who focus on issues of gender, youth, minorities and other marginalized groups. Finally, a survey of a selected slum or squatter settlements in at least two of the cities in each country to assess practical barriers to political and social inclusion of the marginalized groups.

Shabbir Cheema, Ph.D. (Coordinator), Senior Fellow, East-West Center, USA
Debolina Kundu, Ph.D. National Institute of Urban Affairs, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India
Wilmar Salim, Ph.D. Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Bandung, Indonesia
Nguyen Duc Thanh, Ph.D. Vietnam Institute for Economic Policy Research (VEPR), Vietnam