Robertsfors och Machakos, Kenya

Project: Climate action

As per the Kenya National Climate Change Action Plan, Kenya’s 2010 Constitution and Vision 2030, the importance of participation of the diversity of the Kenyan people in environmental matters such as climate change is noted. This is specifically entrenched in Article 69(1) (e) the Constitution 2010, which states, that “the state shall encourage public participation in the management, protection and conservation of the environment”. The same is required of the Robertsfors Municipality in environmental management Agenda 2030.

The aim of the project is to enhance the capacity of both Machakos County Government and Robertsfors Municipality to act on climate change and lower emissions of greenhouse gases.

In Machakos, a focus will be put on actions against deforestation through formulation, implementation and evaluation of a plan of action.

In Robertsfors, the emphasis will be on lower emissions of greenhouse gases and a plan of action regarding this will be formulated, implemented, and evaluated.

For both organizations, communication will be a crucial part of the project in order to secure transparency and the possibility for citizen participation. By making clear and accessible plans of actions, it becomes possible for citizens to hold decision makers accountable.