Region Västerbotten and Homa Bay County, Kenya

Project: Peer Learning Practioners Project for Youth Health in Homa Bay County

The partners have collaborated within the programme since 2017 and is currently involved in a project about youth health. This project application is designed to be an addition to the already ongoing project, representing an effort to broaden collaborations and enable a larger project team to utilize peer learning methods to exchange knowledge.

The stakeholders identified as most important in relation to the intended project focus are the County Assembly, representing the political level in Homa Bay, women’s groups in the county, the Department of Gender Services, healthcare personnel, and young individuals in the county.The main group of rights holders to be positively impacted by the project are young people (aged 18-35), with a specific focus on young women due to their documented vulnerability to what Homa Bay has identified as a triple threat: early pregnancies, new HIV infections, and gender-based violence.

The problem formulation of the project is: Inadequate capacity to implement policy for young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights, as well as mental health. Organizational capacity and preparedness have been assessed, resulting in a focus on three areas: Staffing and interdisciplinary collaboration, Information sharing, and Inclusion of minority underrepresented groups. The specific objectives related to organizational development are listed as: Building capacity among healthcare personnel in the implementation of policies for young people’s sexual, reproductive, and mental health. Improving information sharing among healthcare professionals. Increasing the capacity of healthcare professionals to include minorities and underrepresented groups.

The partnership is part of ICLD Equitable Health Network.