Region Gotland and Kibaha Town Council

Project: Together against Gender Based Violence

The project focuses on tackling gender-based violence (GBV) in Kibaha and Region Gotland with a specific focus on societal cooperation to address this urgent concern. It aims to enhance knowledge and implementation of national strategies, identifying gaps in gender desks and administrative levels at the village level in Kibaha. Key steps include developing a GBV training manual and educating residents on reporting incidents and accessing support.

The recent data from Tanzania highlights concerning rates of violence against girls and women, with nearly 30% of girls experiencing sexual violence before the age of 18. The National Five-Year Development Plan of Tanzania aims to combat gender-based violence (GBV) and violence against children (VAC) across 184 councils, including Kibaha Town Council (KTC). In KTC, data from 2020/21 to 2022/23 reveals a significant increase in GBV cases, including physical violence, psychological abuse, sexual assaults, and child abandonment. Instances of psychological abuse rose from 270 (2020) to 460 (2022), while reported sexual and gender-based violence cases increased from 92 (2020) to 300 (2022). Child abandonment cases also surged from 165 (2020) to 218 (2022). These alarming statistics signify a grave violation of human and child rights as outlined in international covenants.

In response, KTC and the Kibaha Education Centre (KEC) propose an awareness campaign titled ”An Awareness Campaign to fight Gender Based Violence across Kibaha Town Council.” The initiative aims to address and mitigate the escalating GBV issues within Kibaha, aligning with national efforts outlined in Tanzania’s development plan.