Participation and voice implementation
Through the feasibility study “Participation and voice” we have been able to identify the problem and basis for a collaborative project between the municipalities regarding democracy issues for young people. The feasibility study’s results show many similar challenges, but with different strengths of the partners.
A clear deficiency and thereby focus of the project is the municipality’s approach of creating or use the arenas for young people when dealing with regards to youth participation in society.
Subdivisions of the project have been slightly adjusted based on results and involves:
- Participation in society. How the municipality works to get young people in work, encouraging entrepreneurship, jobs and active leisure?
- Arenas for participation. To learn from each other arenas for dialogue and participation. In Falun there are library and youth lock where work and assignments are missing or looks different in Tsumeb. In Tsumeb are APC for spontaneous music and cultural activities and TRC (teachers Resources Centre) where experience and groundwork The project Education for Democracy can be used to more audiences.
Dialogue between policymakers and young people. The great study “loupe” is done in many places in Sweden and working is interesting to look upon. While other forms of dialogue between policymakers and young people are key areas to work with. Young people need to feel that they can influence their future and forums to make themselves heard.