Work with local envoronmental issues in education in pre-school and school
The objectives of this project are:
- to develop how schools work with and educate in democracy and environment;
- to increase understanding of each others possibilities and obstacles concerning internal and external environment and democracy.
Expected results: the collaboration shall lead to the exchange of experiences between teachers from Värmdo and Homa Bay regarding the way that the schools in daily teaching fulfill the promises decided by the municipal authorities and the schools to incorporate the UN documents ”The Rights of the Child” and ”Agenda21”. That is, how schools strive to look out for the questions, ideas and suggestions from children and young people regarding matters concerning them, in this case the right to a healthy environment where they live.
During the project period the teachers from Värmdo and Homa Bay will meet twice. The results of these meetings are to be documented. A continuous contact between the schools will be maintained.