Public Relations, Best Practices 3
This is a one year project resulting from the previously established cooperation between the municipality of Växjö and Tlokwe city council. The project has been operational for two years and this is the third year of implementation.
The aim of the project is to improve on the standards of local democracy and administration in Tlokwe city council. The project constitutes cooperation between the Information Departments at the City of Växjö, Sweden, and the Tlokwe City Council, South Africa.
The overall objective is to put focus on “new media and technology” as an important channel for democratic communication between the municipality and its citizens.
The theme is seen as innovative and future oriented, and relates to prerequisites, current work and future visions pronounced by the two partners.
The overall theme of the project will be practically connected to three sub-areas:
- the web
- TV and radio
- the cell phone.
The practical implementation will focus on concrete work and best practices related to the three sub-areas, such as conscious initiatives around website surveys, democratic e-communities, production of election-TV, civic produced TV/radio, SMS polls etc. The used methods will highlight internal workshops, study-visits and practical testing of innovations, but also integrate qualitative internships in order to facilitate deeper knowledge around how work is carried out in Växjö and Tlokwe. The results of the project will be presented within frames of a produced project film, which will be broadcasted on local TV in the end of the year. The project will involve Växjö University and the TV station “the Open Channel Växjö” as partners.