LuMa Sustainable Energy
Malmö and Lusaka both have an interest in increasing the capacity of municipalities to tackle the effects of an unsustainable energy use: alternatives to charcoal in Lusaka and energy efficiency in Malmo. These are complex issues, related to all three dimensions of sustainable development, which will require a high degree of citizen participation in order to succeed.
Therefore, we are interested in working with new forms of citizen dialogue and inclusion, but also to increase awareness among policy makers and key functions in the municipality. In both municipalities citizen participation will be part of policies, including underrepresented groups in policymaking and implementation. Lusaka aims to develop a SEACAP, a Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan, while Malmo wants to test methods for multistakeholder partnerships in order to move from policy to implementation.
By inviting citizens and other stakeholders to participate in the knowledge alliances and citizen dialogue, the project aims to strengthen local democracy as well as to increase awareness for a better environment. Better quality decisions, healthier citizens and affordable sustainable energy solutions will also contribute to alleviating poverty, and are in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.