Ja-Va-Sha local self government 1
This is a three-party cooperation and the third part is Valgamaa, Estonia.
Ja-Va-Sha local self government 1 stands for co-operation between Jämtland-Valgamaa-Shatsk. The partners in this project will work with self government in the county of Jämtland in Sweden, the county of Valgamaa in Estonia and Shatsk Rajon in Ukraine.
The partners plan for three seminars during this first year of co-operation. One week of seminars and study visits in each county. 15 people from Shatsk Rajon administration, 5 from Valgamaa and 5 from Jämtland will participate during the project.
The objectives of the project are:
- Through seminars and study visits train and inform approximately 25 civil servants and politicians in Shatsk on how Swedish and Estonian local and regional governmental system work.
- Prepare the Shatsk Rajon on how to work with rural development planning.
- Develop Nordic and Baltic contacts in Ukraine.
The expected result from the cooperation project is Shatsk has begun the implementation of its development plan.
There are also expected results related to the participating partners’ organizations, such as improved gender equality, personal skills developed among the participants and a developed network between Shatsk, Valgamaa and Jämtland.