Adult education in contruction

This is a one year project resulting from an earlier established partnership between Söderhamn municipality and Ugu municipality in South Africa. The project is in the field of adult education and the main focus is on construction and development work.

In South Africa there is a great shortage of skilled construction workers, while unemployment is very high, especially among young people in rural areas. Following this background, the project aims at training instructors/tutors in basic construction and apprenticeship methodology. The aim is to develop work based learning methods to disseminate basic skills in construction o the rural population.

The main activities will be geared towards exchange visits with building and construction gymnasium schools in Söderhamn and the expected result include:

  • Formal partnerships will develop between a national school, business, employment and the municipality.
  • At least 15 instructors trained on basic building and construction and they in turn become tutors for at least 20 new trainees.