Influence and participation – a democratic and human right

In a democratic society of today all people should have the same influence and participation no matter what age, social situation or life circumstances they might have. Everybody must be included in society and get a good chance to live a meaningful and long life. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, known more commonly as ICF, is WHO:s (World Health Organization) framework for measuring health and disability at both individual and population levels. This framework will be used as a take off point and tool in this project. By increasing the awareness and knowledge about ICF the municipal and county council employees will be able to use this framework as a tool in their ordinary work. Applicants will also cooperate with nongovernmental organizations in this project.

This project will focus upon municipal and county council employees working with caretakers that have some sort of disability, within the following fields:

  • Elderly care – the care and activities of/for old people with dementia
  • Psychiatry – the care and activities of/for people with psychiatric diagnoses
  • Intellectual disabilities – the care and activities of/for people with intellectual disabilities

Job-shadowing, seminars, workshops, dialogues and debates are important activities within this project and those activities are directly designed for municipal and county council employees. The last activity will be a Symposium in Wuhan during which final reports and results from a questionnaire study will be presented. The participants will then also sum up what they have learned and discuss how their own organisations can take care of and implement the results in their ordinary work in the future. The symposium is the only activity that will be opened for the citizens and should therefore also be seen as an activity that will help raising these issues in society, open up peoples´ eyes and develop society in a democratic and human direction.

Objectives and expected results:

  • increased awareness and knowledge about WHO:s (World Health Organization) framework The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
    • especially among municipal and county council employees but also among NGOs and citizens in both municipalities
  • increased awareness and knowledge about different activities and methods that are used to meet the demands of old people with dementia and people with intellectual or psychological disabilities – western and eastern perspectives
    • especially among municipal and county council employees but also among NGOs and citizens in both municipalities
  • three common reports have been produced, published and spread – one for each project area
  • a House of Opportunities for people with psychological dysfunctions have been opened in Wuhan
  • daily activities such as choir or a theatre group for intellectually disabled persons are created in Wuhan