Empowerment of youth

Mölndals stad, Sweden wish, in cooperation with Chipata Municipal Council, Zambia, to create a partnership with the aim of contributing to the empowerment of young people. We seek to promote participation of youth in our societies. Both municipalities will increase youth participation in democratic matters and general empowerment to prepare them for the future as responsible citizens.

Active young citizens contribute in a positive way to society, instead of being excluded. Thereby we contribute to the fight against poverty. We wish to create an understanding of each others cultures among young people, to increase tolerance for other people.

We identified the main problem as inactive citizens, creating a democratic deficit and exclusion.

Our overall goals are to make:

  • Young people act as fully active citizens on equal conditions
  • Politicians feel that young people are a positive resource that contribute to the development of the society
  • Young people feel trust towards the municipalities

By working for a more active youth, we will contribute to a positive development of the democracy through the creation and implementation of:

  • methods for citizen dialogue
  • real influence in schools and in meeting points for young people/youth centers
  • meeting points for youth participation and non-formal learning
  • an understanding of each others cultures and increased tolerance