Demokratiutveckling genom Fullmäktige

The two-year project is based on a mutual problem analysis where the municipalities have challenges in their work with, and in, the city council. In general terms, it´s about challenges in administration/coordination, transparency and participation, which also affects the accountability to the citizens. The two municipalities have different challenges that they want to develop in this project, but they all relate to this mutual problem analysis. They also have different strengths, weaknesses, skills and experience that will contribute to an effective project collaboration and exchange of knowledge that promotes and develops both partners.

The project objective is to create a new forum of cooperation for officials and councillors from both partner municipalities, through which the project will aim to achieve greater skills and knowledge among officials and politicians concerning methods and good practices regarding work of the city council within the following four specific themes:

  • management/coordination of the meetings;
  • technology and meeting formalities;
  • the city council as a governing body;
  • the city council as an arena for review, transparency and debate, and thereby creating greater understanding, participation and accountability.

The new skills shall have contributed to a plan and pilot-tests for implementation of selected methods and good practices that will develop the municipality’s work with, and in, the city council.