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Local Democracy Talk: Violence and discrimination As a Barrier
Addressing Challenges for Advancing Women’s Political Participation and Decision Making
This Local Democracy Talk will be addressing challenges that women face to equal political representation and decision-making with special focus on violence and the intersectional challenges that minorities face. The discussion will also address efforts to be made at the local level to promote women’s participation and increase the participation of marginalized groups. The issue of political violence and the implementation of measures to prevent and combat violence against women will also be highlighted. The invited Keynote speakers will set the stage with presenting research findings on violence against marginalized gender groups as well as the situation of Sami population in Sweden.

september 17, 2024 , kl. 13:30 – 16:00
Venue: Kulturhuset Klossen, Ekonomstråket 6, Umeå
Organisers: ICLD and Umeå Municipality
1:30 p.m. Installation and opening
- Representative from ICLD and Umeå Municipality
1:40 p.m. Key Note Speaker
- Violence against Sami Women – Jennie Brandén, Associated professor, Department of Social Work, Umeå University
- Gender inequalities in political campaigns in Colombia – Juan Diego Duque-Salazar, PhD Candidate, Department for Peace and Conflict Studies, Uppsala University
2:20 p.m. coffee break
2:40 p.m. Panel Discussion
- Dennis Petersson, operations manager at Allaktivitetshusen, Malmö municipality, Sweden
- Alexis Marino Damancio Silva, Ethnic and LGBTQ+ liason in Puerto Nariño municipality, Colombia
- Lena Maria Nilsson, President of the Sami association, Umeå, Sweden
- Elida Letitcia, Mátzar Churunel de Xón, Panajachel municipality, Guatemala
3:30 p.m. Public Participation
3:50 p.m. Closing Remarks
Annika Dalén, Gender equality officer of the Municipality of Umeå, Sweden.