Programme objectives

The main objective of this training programme is to give the participants the tools they need and the knowledge required for the optimum development of gender mainstreaming and for bringing about change and institutionalization within their own local government. All parts of the training are based on equity, participation, transparency and accountability, and the goal is to strengthen democracy in the organisations taking part in the training. The longterm objective is gender equality and the possibility for all citizens to live equal lives.

The programme is based on Agenda 2030 and the 17 sustainable development goals. A special focus is placed on
goal #5 – gender equality. Every local government participating in the programme is therefore expected to carry out a change
process using the gender mainstreaming method. Many Swedish municipalities use gender mainstreaming as a strategy for achieving the Swedish government’s gender equality political goals. Gender mainstreaming means that a gender equality assessment must be conducted of all policies that affect the way people live, so that everyone – women and men, girls and boys – can live gender-equal lives.

What to expect

  • Carry out a change process using the gender mainstreaming method
  • Conduct gender equality assessment on policies
  • Institutionalize gender equality to provide gender equal services to its citizens
  • In-depth knowledge of strategic planning connected to gender mainstreaming
  • Implement tools that promote gender equality
  • Change management and change communication

› Valuable exchange of knowledge and experiences
› Extended regional and international networks
› Improved skills as a ”change agent” in initiating and implementing instituational change
› Skills and abilities to communicate and advocate on issues of gender mainstreaming
› Support to improve equity and inclusion, participation, transparency and accountability in the local governance.
› Two-day study-visit in a Swedish municipality or region
› An opportunity for the participating municipality to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)


  • Through various trainings, lectures and workshops
  • By offering strategic support and coaching from ICLD staff and their mentors
  • In sharing of professional obstacles and successes in an inclusive environment

The importance of a strategic team

This training will give the participants the tools they need and the knowledge required for the optimum development of gender mainstreaming and for bringing about change and institutionalzation within their own local government.
ICLD’s core areas – equity and inclusion, participation, transparency, and accountability – will be included in the training content in addition to an extensive focus on gender mainstreaming as a method and tool for achieving sustainable gender equality.

Studies of sustainable gender equality work emphasise the importance of the management’s desire to create change.
Gender equality work must, therefore, be implemented in operating plans and policy documents, and not be designated as a project alongside everyday activity. Changes must be integrated to be sustainable. This is why every team must have different roles all of which, in different ways, contribute to the change process.
Local governments must be able to meet the complex challenges posed by the towns and cities they govern. They must also be able to change their own attitudes and behaviours to meet these challenges.

Change Process

All teams are expected to develop and work with a change process of your choice, during the training. The change process is the link between the theoretical knowledge that the participants will acquire during the training and the practical experience needed in the specific situations in which the various participants find themselves. The change process must be beneficial to the local government and can relate to any service delivery with a gender equality aspect. It is important to note that these processes will not be financed by ICLD, but by the accepted local governments themselves.