Admission requirements

Leadership in Local Governance

Invited countries

Kenya, Botswana, South Africa, Zambia and Namibia.

Target group

Only candidates nominated by the appropriate organization (municipality, city, region) and in accordance with national rules will be considered. The programme is primarily intended for individuals who have key positions in local governments and who are actively involved in a strategic decision making. Local government officials, politicians at regional or local level and representatives from civil society organisations are thus encouraged to apply. To achieve a good gender balance, applications from qualified women and younger persons are especially welcome. Candidates who have previously participated in an ICLD-training programme financed by Sida cannot apply for this programme.

Language requirements

The training programme will be organised and conducted in English. Proficiency in English shall be indicated in the Application form.

Health requirements

Considering the training programme consists of international travels and work away from home in a new environment, good health and ability to work without physical/health restrictions if required. It is therefore recommended that candidates undergo a medical examination before filling in the Medical Statement in the Application form.

Other requirements

Nominations are assessed on individual and organisational merits. 25 participants will be selected to the programme taking into account that the participants bring diversity to the group through their various backgrounds and professional qualifications.

The programme welcomes applications from teams from the same municipality/city/region consisting of at least one local government official, one elected politician and one representative of a civil society organization at a minimum.

The outline of the change project, together with the commitment of the home organisation to support active involvement of the participant in the implementation of the project will be of crucial importance in the selection of participants. Once selected, the participants are required to attend all scheduled parts of the programme and a Letter of Commitment is to be signed by the nominating organisation before the start of the programme. Due to the nature of the programme, family members are not allowed to accompany participants to the programme.


All training costs pertaining to lectures, literature, documentation, study tours and certain social activities as well as accommodation and food will also be covered by the organiser. All international travel costs related to the programme will be covered by the programme organiser. Costs for personal expenses are not included and are the responsibility of the participant or his/her organisation.


Participants are responsible for obtaining all relevant visas during all scheduled parts of the programme. The costs for obtaining visas are to be borne by the participant.


All participants are covered under a group insurance while on scheduled parts of the programme. Medical and dental checkups are not included.


Participants who successfully complete all scheduled parts will be awarded a Certificate of completion of training.

Application process

Closing date for applications is August 25, 2020. Application shall be made electronically, via link here below and include a recent photograph and all required information and documents. An outline of the Change Project aiming at improving the delivery of critical services in an equitable and inclusive way. The change projects must be described in the application and include the following at a minimum:

  • Title of the Change Project
  • Background and focal problem
  • Change Project goal

The application page contains details of what to include with your application. After an initial selection, a few chosen candidates will be invited for the interview, after which the final round of selection will take place.

ICLD operates anti-discrimination policy and all training courses are open to anyone despite the physical ability. If you have some physical disability, please let us know so we can solve all the practical issues that may arise.

The activities in the programme will be carried out on-site or digitally. If the situation occurs that we are forced to postpone workshops due to unforeseen situations, we (at the ICLD) will suggest new dates when the majority of participants can participate. If no dates are possible, ICLD will consider carrying out the workshop digitally.