Local Democracy Labs

ICLD > Events > Local Democracy Labs

ICLD Local Democracy Labs is a space for local government officers and politicians to meet researchers and have a dialogue that contributes to a more informed understanding of the issues at hand.

Local governments, engaged in either the Municipal Partnership Programme or our International Training Programme, can participate in the Labs by sending a question they want to discuss with a group of competent and leading researchers in the field of local democracy. Researchers can contribute with their expertise, problematize the issues raised, share relevant cases and provide policy recommendations. We would like it to be experienced as a friendly conversation where research and practice meet and where all ideas are welcomed.

The Local Democracy Labs does not require much preparation. Participating local governments are asked to provide one question and spare one hour to meet with researchers online.

Municipalities in the partnership programme can request this anytime by contacting ICLD staff. ICLD will reach out to its extensive network of researchers to identify scholars that will enrich the conversation with their knowledge and perspectives. The conversations in zoom are moderated by the ICLD team.

Voices from former participants

The Local Democracy Labs concept is perceived as a positive experience for both the local government representatives and the researchers. Below is some of the feedback that ICLD received via email from representatives attending the Labs:

“The labs were very informative in relation to our project. It helped us have an understanding of what we should focus on as we embark on the project. The interactions with the researchers on the problem statement and our subsequent meeting were very beneficial and insightful. ICLD should continue with the labs as they have proved to help local authorities with refining they project.”
Pemba Town Council, Zambia

You and the research team have excelled! The viewing was richly educational and innovative. Congratulations on successfully challenging the status quo
Jinja City, Uganda

What an engagement over issues surrounding borehole and the environment. (…) The discussion broadened the scope of my change project.  I view it differently now as I interact more and more with the citizens. Thank you very much for the insight shared by the researchers.
Bubi Rural District Council, Zimbabwe