Local Democracy Talks

From left to right: Participants of the panel Kenedy Afisa, Dr. Judy Makira and Lusungu Kayani. Photo: Maeva Gauthier
Local Democracy Talks in Tanzania in 2022: “The future we imagine” – making change happen with CBPR”. From left to right: Participants of the panel Kenedy Afisa, Dr. Judy Makira and Lusungu Kayani. Photo: Maeva Gauthier

ICLD Local Democracy Talks

Inspired by the Swedish foreign policy initiative, ”Drive for Democracy”, ICLD organises live streamed high-level political panels called “Local Democracy Talks”. The aim of the talks is to create a constructive dialogue and exchange of experiences among leading local politicians to strengthen democratic governance. These talks are key in our efforts to make democracy resilient and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals from below. The talks are facilitated by ICLD and arranged in cooperation with Swedish Embassies, UCLG and other key partners.

Upcoming Talks in 2025

13 May Local democracy and societal resilience in Ukraine

26 May on Plastic Waste

15 September on Youth Participation

November – Equitable Health

November – Gender Equality

Previous talks:

The Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD) supports local democracy in Ukraine through municipal partnerships, training and research. In this talk we will have a conversation among scholars and local government officials in Ukraine to provide insights on:How are local governments affected by the current situation?
How are local governments adapting to meet the needs of their citizens?
What are the barriers and opportunities that they experience for peacebuilding from below?
This seminar is jointly organised by the Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD), the Local Government Information Unit (LGIU), and Malmö Association of Foreign Affairs.Panelists:Valentina Poltavets, Executive Director of the Ukrainian Association of Amalgamated Territorial CommunitiesUlyana Pak, elected city councillor in LvivKristina Levyska, Deputy Director of Department of Humanitarian Policy, city of Kamjanets-PodilskyjMariia Tyshchenko, PhD, Associate professor Kyiv National Economic University, director of the NGO “PORUCH” and mentor of ICLD training programme.Tomila Lankina, London School of EconomicsYana Brovdiy, Officer, Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)Final remarks: Jonathan Carr-West, Chief Executive, Local Government Information Unit (LGIU)Moderator: Tymofii Brik, PhD, assistant professor at Kyiv School of Economics and director of the Center for Sociological Research – Decentralization and Local development studies

The Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD) supports local democracy in Ukraine through municipal partnerships, training and research. In this talk we will have a conversation among scholars and local government officials in Ukraine to provide insights on:

How are local governments affected by the current situation?
How are local governments adapting to meet the needs of their citizens?
What are the barriers and opportunities that they experience for peacebuilding from below?
This seminar is jointly organised by the Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD), the Local Government Information Unit (LGIU), and Malmö Association of Foreign Affairs.


Valentina Poltavets, Executive Director of the Ukrainian Association of Amalgamated Territorial Communities

Ulyana Pak, elected city councillor in Lviv

Kristina Levyska, Deputy Director of Department of Humanitarian Policy, city of Kamjanets-Podilskyj

Mariia Tyshchenko, PhD, Associate professor Kyiv National Economic University, director of the NGO “PORUCH” and mentor of ICLD training programme.

Tomila Lankina, London School of Economics

Yana Brovdiy, Officer, Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)

Final remarks: Jonathan Carr-West, Chief Executive, Local Government Information Unit (LGIU)

Moderator: Tymofii Brik, PhD, assistant professor at Kyiv School of Economics and director of the Center for Sociological Research – Decentralization and Local development studies

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Local Governments in Ukraine: constraints and opportunities for peace and democracy

If youth activist ruled our cities - from Fridays For Future to the city council

Talks that have not been live-streamed by ICLD

17 September 2024
Local Democracy Talk: Violence and discrimination As a Barrier
Addressing Challenges for Advancing Women’s Political Participation and Decision Making

5 June 2024
Local Democracy Talk in Connection to the Gender Equality Network meeting in Guatemala / Conversatorio sobre Democracia Local ”¿Cuales son los desafíos y posibilidades para incrementar la Participación Política de las mujeres en la democracia local? (Facebook)

17 November 2022
Local Democracy Talk: “The future we imagine” – making change happen with CBPR  (Article)