Etikett: youth inclusion

Let’s get together and make change: Towards a Child-Focused Cities Analytical Framework

Children live in cities and local communities, implying that they have proximity to the local government rather than the national government. The interaction of children with their governments happens at the local level. And, children experience the realisation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the local sphere of government. Yet, children are relegated to the margins of local governance and implementation of SDGs and are not given the space and voice to shape how their cities should be or look like. In this project, we investigated through literature review and case studies in ICLD partnering municipalities (Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe and Livingstone, Zambia) to gain critical insights and a context-based understanding to local governments to enhance informed and child-focused decision-making around local governance and SDGs implementation.

Note: This publication is the result of a Local Democracy Lab and the Local Democracy Academy, both held in 2022. The study was conducted with an Impact research grant: small-scale, action-oriented projects conducted in close collaboration with local governments.

Typ av publikation
Working Papers
Culture, leisure, sport and/or tourismEducationUrban planning
Globala mål
17 - Genomförande och globalt partnerskap
Child rights and youth participation
Agenda2023, child rights, child-friendly cities, transdisciplinary, Urban planning, youth inclusion,

Child Participation in the City of Vienna

With the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as starting point, discussants are invited to use Vienna’s commitment to implement a child and youth strategy to reflect on how to build such a strategy that achieves meaningful child and youth participation.

The Facilitator Guide introduces helpful concepts and tools: Lundy’s Model of Participation and the 9 basic Requirements for Meaningful and Ethical Child Participation.

Learning objectives

At the end of the training session, the participants will:

  • understand that child rights are human rights and how a rights-based approach differs from other approaches;
  • relate the realisation of child rights to the actions and decisions of local decision-makers;
  • identify common barriers and enablers, specifically surrounding practical and ethical issues, when a local government creates the spaces and processes for children to exercise their right to have their opinions listened to and taken into account;
  • be equipped with some tools to support the realisation of children’s rights in their local authority, and more specifically, their right to express their opinions and have those opinions listened to and taken into account; and,
  • start thinking about ways to apply the learnings of this case study to their local authorities.

Typ av publikation
Learning Cases
Inclusive leadership and governance
Globala mål
10 - Minskad ojämlikhet16 - Fredliga och inkluderande samhällen17 - Genomförande och globalt partnerskap
Child rights and youth participationHuman Rights
child participation, youth inclusion, youth strategy,