Etikett: participation

The role of trust in achieving sustainable community-based disaster risk management – case studies from the Philippines

Impacts of disasters are felt acutely at community level, as a consequence communities in the Philippines are among the most affected by the increase in disaster risks. This realization led to an increase of community-based approaches, such as community based disaster risk management (CBDRM). However, literature acknowledges a recurring failure of projects to be sustainable long-term, attributed to a lack of trust in implementers, lowering the motivation of communities to commit. Therefore, this research explores the role of trust in achieving sustainable CBDRM for the case of four communities in Pangasinan, Philippines. Based on the literature, a conceptual framework was created and adapted according to findings through two focus group discussions and 15 key informant interviews with community members, CBDRM implementers, and duty-bearers. The role of trust was identified by analyzing the data following Creswell (2013) and relating it to other relevant factors for the CBDRM sustainability in terms of horizontal trust and vertical trust. Interviewees identified the importance of awareness, linked to knowledge on vulnerabilities and disasters, which they also related to perceived source trustworthiness. Furthermore, an interactive relationship with trust and meaningful, inclusive, and accessible participation was highlighted and considered to significantly contribute to CBDRM sustainability. Political complexities that impact trust levels show the need for an enabling environment and a stricter policy implementation to enhance sustainability. While the role of trust in achieving sustainable CBDRM in this research is considered substantial, more research on different aspects of trust and especially within other contexts is needed.

Typ av publikation
Master Thesis
Environment/Climate changeLocal economic development, innovation and livelihoodsUrban planning
Globala mål
11 - Hållbara städer och samhällen9 - Hållbar industri, innovationer och infrastruktur
Agno River Basin, Community-based disaster risk management, fieldwork grant, horizontal trust, Pangasinan, participation, Philippines, social trust, vertical trust,

Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR)

This toolbox outlines three methods for co-creating solutions for climate action and sustainable development: photovoice, community asset mapping and participatory video. It is especially relevant to bridge the gap between policy, academia and communities.

This toolbox was developed in connection with the Autumn School in CBPR, organized for researchers and local government officials from Tanzania, Kenya and Sweden in Dar es Salaam in 2022, by the authors of this toolbox.

Typ av publikation
Culture, leisure, sport and/or tourism
Globala mål
17 - Genomförande och globalt partnerskap
Action research, co-creation, participation, Participatory methods,

Research report: Whose voice matters? Inclusion in local decision-making in Kenya and Lebanon

This research report compares how local inclusion and participation is connected to citizen influence in two post-conflict societies. This report highlight the special circumstances in a society with experience of armed conflict and deep societal divides. While inclusion is crucial to local democracy, this research also shows the risk of perpetuating conflictual divides. It warns against taking inclusion and participation at face value, and encourages deep context analysis and special attention to marginalised groups at the local level.

This report describes in detail the two contexts and compares their respective political systems of inclusion and participation. See the associated policy brief for a shorter version focusing on policy recommendations.

Policy Brief: Whose voice matters? Inclusion in local decision-making in Kenya and Lebanon

Typ av publikation
Research Reports
Inclusive leadership and governance
Globala mål
10 - Minskad ojämlikhet16 - Fredliga och inkluderande samhällen
inclusion, participation, Peacebuilding, post-conflict,

Whose voice matters? Inclusion in local decision-making in Kenya and Lebanon

This policy brief analyses how participation and inclusivity relates to influence in local decision-making in two post-conflict contexts. Peacebuilding increasingly overlaps with development research in the turn to a local level, bottom-up approach which puts emphasis on including all groups in society in decision-making.

The authors find that inclusion and participation in local decision-making can advance local influence but also perpetuate conflict divides. It makes three recommendations to local governments in post-conflict contexts divided along ethnic or sectarian lines.

  1. Implement practices for including those not usually heard,
  2. acknowledge what voices are included in national versus local arenas, and
  3. reflect on alternative avenues for influence and how less influential actors use these avenues for influencing local decision-making

Typ av publikation
Policy Briefs
Inclusive leadership and governance
Globala mål
10 - Minskad ojämlikhet16 - Fredliga och inkluderande samhällen
inclusion, participation, Peacebuilding, post-conflict,