Etikett: Agenda2030

Voluntary Local Review – Emboreet village, Manyara, Tanzania

The United Nations Agenda 2030 contains 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with 169 targets to address global social, environmental, and economic challenges by 2030, of which many must be implemented at the local level. Voluntary Local Reviews (VLR) have gained prominence as a means for local and regional governments to assess SDG progress and remaining challenges. Citizen and community engagement in SDG implementation have been recognized as instrumental in achieving the goals and targets. This report presents the findings of a Voluntary Local Review conducted in Emboreet village, Tanzania. The objective was to assess the localization of Agenda 2030, explore the involvement of citizens and other social actors in SDG implementation, and understand their perceptions of the efforts made in achieving the SDGs. The research employed a Community Participatory Action Research methodology to ensure active community participation and collaboration. It reviews thirteen SDGs as a combination of those adapted by the Emboreet village from the Tanzania Vision 2025 and priorities of community stakeholders.

Typ av publikation
Working Papers
Inclusive leadership and governance
Globala mål
1 - Ingen fattigdom10 - Minskad ojämlikhet11 - Hållbara städer och samhällen13 - Bekämpa klimatförändringarna16 - Fredliga och inkluderande samhällen17 - Genomförande och globalt partnerskap2 - Ingen hunger3 - God hälsa och välbefinnande4 - God utbildning för alla5 - Jämställdhet6 - Rent vatten och sanitet för alla7 - Hållbar energi för alla9 - Hållbar industri, innovationer och infrastruktur
Participatory democracy, citizen dialogues and budgeting
Internationell partner
Emboreet, Simanjiro
Agenda2030, Voluntary Local Review,

Voluntary Local Review – City of Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina

This report looks into the localisation of SDGs in the City of Bijeljina, which is an SDG pioneer in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It reviews three SDGs – SDG5 (gender equality), SDG10 (inclusion), and SDG17 (partnerships towards goals) – through the lens of Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) which is based on an immersion of researchers into the communities to seek active involvement of participants. The City of Bijeljina being a very heterogeneous community, this research has sought to address asymmetries in each of the three prioritised SDGs by looking into the institutional mechanisms for localisation of SDGs, specifically mechanisms and approaches for engagement of civil society, citizens and local communities in that process. It identifies some level of citizen engagement in setting priorities, marking the planning stage of the localization of SDG as participatory. However, the implementation and monitoring of results still lacks strong community ownership, as integration of SDGs into local processes still rests with the formal structures of the City administration. As such, the report concludes that the City of Bijeljina has been very successful in the initial stages of localisation of SDGs through systematic engagement of civil society in different aspects of designing and implementing the local Development Strategy, but recommends the City to enable and promote participatory monitoring that would more closely reflect citizens’ views on the process of localising SDGs.

Note: This is one of three Voluntary Local Reviews, developed using participatory methods, supported by ICLD in 2023. Lessons learned from this experimental approach to VLRs – how it builds democratic capacity and how it can get even better – are gathered in a forthcoming research report. Stay tuned!

Typ av publikation
Working Papers
Inclusive leadership and governanceLocal economic development, innovation and livelihoods
Globala mål
10 - Minskad ojämlikhet17 - Genomförande och globalt partnerskap5 - Jämställdhet
Participatory democracy, citizen dialogues and budgeting
Agenda2030, Localising SDGs, SDG,