Call for research proposal: Child-Focused Cities Analytical Framework

Terms of Reference


In an attempt to enhance the work of local governments by enabling a more child-focused transformation of their respective territories in pursuit of sustainable development goals (SDG), a group of international researchers collaborated with a range of stakeholders to conceptualise a new analytical tool. The research process included seven international scholars and researchers from various professional backgrounds and geographical locations, working with six municipalities to explore and exchange ideas pertaining to child and youthhood matters in search of material evidence of how to include and empower children and young people in local (political) affairs. These were: Muranga (Kenya), Chobe (Botswana), Kinondoni (Tanzania), Håbo (Sweden), Livingston, (Zambia), and Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe). Researchers had a chance to visit two of the six partnering municipalities – Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe) and Livingstone (Zambia) – to gain critical insights and a context-based understanding for further refinement of the analytical framework while offering support to local governments to enhance informed and child-focused decision-making.

The research provided the following recommendations to advance the process:

  • Continue the research to develop the CFC Analytical Framework
  • Facilitate the initiation of the digital platform with the six municipalities.
  • Publish results in academic journals and ICLD website
  • Engage with ICLD knowledge base and network
  • Work with local governments that want to create conducive conditions for participation of children and youth
  • Conduct a pilot using tactical urbanism to advance child-focused spaces

A continuation “phase 2” of the project should help partaking local governments increase their capacity to view the SDGs from a child- and youth perspective, in their local context, as well as advancing scientific literature and knowledge for long-term, broader dissemination.


ICLD would like to invite researchers involved in the first stage of the CFCAF research to submit a proposal based on the findings and lessons learnt in the pilot project. The proposal should be relevant to local governments in the ICLD network for “sustainable futures” and collaborate with at least one of the partaking municipalities (given their interest and availability).

This follow-up research shall complement the initial study and work with local partners for two main purposes:

  • Continue to conceptually build the framework of child-focused cities
  • Develop the CFC Analytical Tool with project partners involving local children and youth.

Potential engagement with local governments in the Sustainable Futures network:

Ideally local partners include local government(s) in ICLD’s Sustainable Futures network who have a direct exchange with children. Involvement would be shaped by joint discussions on how researchers can follow along the process of testing the ‘SDG circle’ (the analytic framework) and joint planning in the early stages of the activities to take place in the field. Engagement with other partners is also welcome.


  • Research report following ICLD’s publication guidelines
  • Toolbox guiding local governments in the use of the Analytical Framework


The total budget for the proposal should not exceed 350.000 SEK (overhead maximum 15%).

Time Frame:

June -December 2023


Submit your application in ICLD’s digital application system using this link:

The portal requires an account to be made by the main applicant. The account and portal will also be used for contract writing, reporting and other administration around the grant. Make sure to start the application procedure well in advance of the deadline, to leave room for any unclarities and need for support.

Please use the following Proposal Template:

Deadline for application: 25 May, 2023

Note: the deadline is extended until 02 June, 2023.

Inclusive leadership and governance
Globala mål
16 - Fredliga och inkluderande samhällen17 - Genomförande och globalt partnerskap
Child rights and youth participation
child rights, research, youth inclusion,