Apply to the Development Research Conference in Sweden!

The Development Research Conference (DevRes) is a multi-disciplinary forum for researchers working in fields linked to development and sustainability. The conference aims to promote networking and collaboration between researchers, public agencies, policy makers, organisations and practitioners, in order to find solutions for poverty and develop strategies for the future of sustainable development.
The upcoming DevRes conference will be held on August 22-24, 2022, and will be hosted by GlobeLife, a joint initiative of Uppsala University and Karolinska Institutet.
ICLD has agreed to offer up to five travel and accommodation grants to researchers from our priority countries and whose research can be of use for local governments.
How to apply?
If interested in applying for this travel grant please make sure to answer the last question in the call for abstracts form ‘Travel grant applicant’ and indicate ‘Yes, I would like to apply for the travel grant’. Abstracts which are accepted to present at DevRes 2022 and are also eligible for this travel grant will then go through a selection process which will be handled by ICLD. Submit your abstract to the DevRes Conference here before deadline on the 14th of February.
To be eligible for this travel grant your research should be relevant for local governments and contribute to a better understanding of local democratic challenges.
List of ICLD priority countries:
South Africa, Kenya, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Colombia, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Vietnam, Serbia, Kosovo, Ukraine, and Russia.
For any further questions, contact Robin Alnäs at