Svensk partner: Västerås Stad

Västerås – Shatsk

The partnership between Västerås and Shatsk focuses on addressing the severe impacts of the war on children. The collaboration aims to provide psychological support and new experiences to help children cope with their trauma and create new opportunities for the future.

Social care and wellbeing
Globala mål
16 - Fredliga och inkluderande samhällen
Svensk partner
Västerås Stad
Internationell partner

Första partnerskapsmötet mellan svenska och ukrainska kommuner

Viljan hos svenska kommuner och regioner att stödja, stärka och bygga upp det ukrainska lokalsamhället är stor. 12 svenska kommuner och regioner har valt att via ICLD ingå partnerskap med en ukrainsk motsvarighet. Nu möts de för första gången “på riktigt”!

– Detta är en dag att minnas, där lokal demokrati som motståndskraft står i fokus, säger Jim Enström, programhandläggare på ICLD.

Det är 75 deltagare från Sverige och från Ukraina som samlas för att för första gången mötas IRL. Det sker inom ramen för ICLD:s partnerskapsnätverk “Demokratisk resiliens” – med demokrati som motståndskraft – som parterna nu träffas. Nätverksmötet äger rum i Sarajevo.

Under konferensen får deltagarna bland annat fördjupning i ämnen som deltagande demokrati, mänskliga rättigheter, korruption och decentralisering. Parterna fick även stöttning inför sina kommande projektansökningar.

Kalmar och Poltava är en av de partnerskapen som ingår i nätverket för demokratisk resiliens. Kommunalrådet i Kalmar, Erik Ciardi, ser att det båda kommunerna har en hel del saker gemensamt. Båda är en universitetsstad, har mycket jordbruk och den gröna näringen är viktig för dem båda.

”Kalmar hoppas kunna stärka den lokala demokratin och förutsättningarna i Poltava samtidigt som de kan ge oss mycket kunskap i frågor som handlar om beredskap och krishantering. Genom vårt partnerskap kan vi bidra och lära av varandra, stärka våra samhällen och växa tillsammans,” säger Erik Ciardi.

Följande kommuner/region ingår partnerskap med ukrainsk motsvarighet

Falu kommun och Kolomyia

Region Gotland och Berislav

Höör kommun och Kopychynitsi

Jönköpings kommun och Berdychiv

Kalmar kommun och Poltava

Karlskrona kommun och Chortkiv

Lidingö stad och Slavuta

Piteå kommun och Lutsk

Ronneby kommun och Ternopil

Umeå kommun och Cherson

Västerås stad och Shatsk

Växjö kommun och Kalush

Med demokrati som motståndskraft – svenska & ukrainska kommuner i partnerskap

Globala mål
16 - Fredliga och inkluderande samhällen17 - Genomförande och globalt partnerskap
Human Rights
Svensk partner
Falu kommunHöör kommunKalmar kommunKarlskrona kommunLidingö stadPiteå kommunRegion Gotlandronneby kommunUmeå kommunVästerås StadVäxjö Kommun
Internationell partner
BerdychivBerislavChersonCity of ChortkivKalushKolomyiaKopychynitsiLutskPoltavaShatskSlavutaTernopil

Västerås City and Gaborone City Council

Continuing the partnership between Gaborone and Västerås this is a knowledge and experience exchange project within waste management and sustainable consumption.

The overall objective is to achieve improved community resilience and a more sustainable environment in Gaborone and in Västerås.

This will be achieved by targeting three organisational areas:

  1. Political commitment – Engage the political leadership in the development of Gaborone City Council integrated solid waste management plan and the implementation of the same.
  2. Information sharing – Formulate communication plan; categorising stakeholders
  3. Inclusion of minorities and underrepresented groups – When policy formulating; consult and engage the minority and underrepresented groups.

The project will provide the partners with experience regarding project management, residents dialogue, community empowerment, public-private collaboration, and more, thus strengthening the organisations’ capacities to deal with complex challenges in the future. The residents’ awareness of how their behaviors affect local environmental health is expected to increase.

Environment/Climate changeTechnical Services and Infrastructure
Globala mål
11 - Hållbara städer och samhällen12 - Hållbar konsumtion och produktion
Participatory democracy, citizen dialogues and budgeting
Svensk partner
Västerås Stad
Internationell partner
Gaborone City Council

Resident Dialogue 2.0

The short-term aim of this project is to develop an existing partnership related to residents’ dialogues between the municipalities Jinan and Västerås. It means meeting residents’ needs and continuously improve efficiency and availability with focus on Contact Centre and Hotline12345, the single point of entry for residents who want to contact Västerås and Jinan, respectively.

Jinan is developing an international standard for contact centres, where different aspects are addressed. Västerås contributes with views on democracy and participation, perspectives from our core values – always the best possible interaction, creativity, diversity, openness and inclusion.

One of the goals of Contact Centre is to provide equal quality of service regardless of the recipient. The long-term goal of the project is to find new solutions for change, development and renewal of the municipalities’ work to maintain confidence and trust between the community and residents. The participation of the residents is crucial. Similarities and differences are strengths: the size, handling of big data and systematics of Jinan and the focus on soft values such as inclusion, creativity and openness of Västerås, as the two cities try to meet residents’ needs.

The aim of the project is to develop an international standard for contact centres/hotlines.

Inclusive leadership and governance
Svensk partner
Västerås Stad
Internationell partner
City of Jinan

Gaborone Transfer and Recycling Station

The overall objective is a more efficient waste management in Gaborone in terms of social, environmental and economic sustainability, and a strengthened legitimacy for local democracy when the elected City Council is more reliable in providing waste management services for the citizens.

Through sound resource handling, a recycling and transfer station will help mitigate climate change and environmental impact from waste management, while creating job opportunities and strengthening the local government through the public-private partnership.

At the end of the project period, there is a comprehensive feasibility study for a waste transfer station with recycling possibilities, including technical design, location, and an environmental impact assessment as well as business and ownership models. The feasibility study shall be detailed enough to constitute a basis for procurement of the implementation of the station.

Environment/Climate change
Svensk partner
Västerås Stad
Internationell partner
Gaborone City Council

Resident Dialogue

This project tries to find new solutions for change, development and renewal of the municipal work in order to establish and maintain trust between the community and residents.

Project objective:
To develop new methods that invite people to participate, make them heard and influence the direction of the future in the communication between local authorities and residents.

Project objectives indicators:

  • The developed tools for interaction and processes for hearing and reaching different groups have been documented.
  • Different groups of residents’, at least men and women, are equally heard and reached in pilot dialogues.
  • At least two pilot residents’ dialogues have been implemented.
Inclusive leadership and governance
Svensk partner
Västerås Stad
Internationell partner
City of Jinan

Waste Not revised

Continuing the partnership between Gaborone and Västerås this is a knowledge and experience exchange project within waste management.

The overall objective is to achieve improved community resilience and a more sustainable environment in Gaborone and in Västerås.

The aim is to:

  • introduce source separation of recyclable waste in a pilot area of approximately 1200 households and three schools in Gaborone;
  • approach new resident groups in Västerås with little experience of source separation;
  • increase public awareness in both cities.

The project will provide the partners with experience regarding project management, residents dialogue, community empowerment, public-private collaboration, and more, thus strengthening the organisations’ capacities to deal with complex challenges in the future. The residents’ awareness of how their behaviours affect local environmental health is expected to increase.

Central for the project implementation are the Västerås public waste management and public housing companies, three schools in the pilot area in Gaborone and one school in Västerås.

After evaluation of the experience exchange and the pilot, the ambition is that source separation of recyclables will be expanded to the rest of Gaborone, forming a foundation for a sustainable resource management where waste is treated as a valuable resource.

Environment/Climate change
Svensk partner
Västerås Stad
Internationell partner
Gaborone City Council