Inclusion in society – for all youth
The Project “Inclusion in Society – for all youth” is a two-year project adressing decision makers politicians, and officials in Huangshan China and Vara Sweden. The project is based on the fact that the number of youth with mental illnes is increasing.
The main focus is the development of a new strategy that promotes schools as an arena for preventive and promotive measures to reduce mental ilness among youth as well as a working method.
The project will focus on the right to good health (The Universal Declaration of Human Rights) and inclusion in society. Inclusion and good mental health together help to successfully reduce exclusion. Good public health is essential on an individual level as well as for society. Health impairment impacts the ability to participate and engage in society negatively, which ultimately influences the chanses to exercise democratic influence. Inequality in health is a threat to the fulfilment of important societal targets.