Development of rescue service

Vetlanda municipality and the rescue service department gave Kavango Region a used fire truck in 2008. The use of the truck will be divided between the three cities within Kavango Region.

Delegates from Kavango region will be educated in the use of the fire truck and all the management of a rescue service in Sweden. The delegates will be working together with their Swedish collegues in their ordinary work and will also be informed about the Swedish legislations and rescue service organisatioon.

The next step is support to establishment of the fire truck such as needed surrounding equipment and to give the Swedish delegates more knowledge about the conditions in Kavango Region.

The output of the project will be:

  • The delegates from Kavango will have the knowledge and capacity to handle the fire truck.
  • The delegates from Kavango will have knowledge and information about the management of rescue service in Sweden.
  • The delegates fromn Sweden will have knowledge about the conditions in Kavango concerning rescue service.
  • An infromation folder have been produced.