How to Apply

Updated 24 January 2023

ICLD is currently in the process of switching digital application systems. This means that you can continue to use “My Pages” for submitting the mandatory annual reports of projects, steering groups and inceptions up to 1 April 2023, but that no new applications can be submitted before the new system is in place, preliminary by the beginning of April 2023. 

In connection with the digital restructuring, updated forms for applications and reports within the Municipal Partnership Programme will be launched. The programme guidelines and budget guidelines are also currently undergoing revision and the updated versions will be published at the same time as the new application and reporting forms. The new application forms come with a new project planning tool. The new tool is based on the LFA project planning method but contains several changes.  Full information about the planned changes will go out to active partnerships in early March and will be published on the website. 

If the partnership you represent intends to submit any form of application in spring 2023 (Project, Steering Group, Inception, Development/Expansion or Dissemination), please contact the MPP team at before you start writing a draft and we will help you!