Tactical Urbanism for inclusive transport

Regional focus: East Africa/Kenya

Time: July 2023 – January 2024


In 2010, Kenya adopted a new constitution that established 47 autonomous counties leading to an accelerated development of urban areas and an increased pressure and demand for inclusive and sustainable interventions to cater for the rising population and motorization rates. Flone Initiative conducted a safety audit in Machakos Town to assess the state of the existing transport infrastructure in terms of safety, usability and design with a focus on women, children and persons with disability. The study revealed that the existing infrastructure was in need of improvements in accessibility, safety and universal design features. A key lesson learnt is that safety audits should be followed by low cost interventions that counties can easily pilot and implement. Premised on the concept of tactical urbanism, this action research study aims at proposing and piloting low-cost interventions to enhance inclusiveness, safety and usability in urban and peri-urban centres.


Naomi Mwaura, Flone Initiative, Tanzania

Note: this project builds on the toolbox by the same author:

Project Area
Urban planning
Sustainable Development Goals
10 - Reduced inequalities11 - Sustainable cities and communities
Gender Equality