Älmhult and JB Marks, South Africa

Project: Strategic Planning of Green Open Spaces in Growing Cities

The proposed project is based on a joint problem analysis where neither Älmhult municipality nor JB Marks municipality has a politically adopted green structure plan. It complicates priorities, the allocation of financial resources and prevents the optimal use of green spaces to benefit the environment and society at large. Thus, the purpose of the project is to produce a strategic green plan in both municipalities.

The project is crucial for strengthening the organizational capacity of both municipalities so that the work with green areas can be developed and prioritized in the municipal organization. The project relates to Agenda 2030, goal 3 and 11, which are related to human health and the importance of sustainable planning of public places.

The new strategic plan in Älmhult will be linked to the new municipal master plan. The new strategic plan in JB Marks will be linked to the current urban development plan. The project will involve participants from both municipalities: city planners, landscape architects, managers etc. The project includes four international stages, mapping of methods, inventory, best practices etc. The process includes local work in each municipality, communication with citizens for input and will finally be adopted politically before the project ends.