Haparanda and Solwezi – Zambia

Empowering of women and youth in local democracy and development work

Haparanda and Solwezi are carrying out this Inception to have the opportunity to jointly develop a project plan closely linked to issues of inequality and empowering of women. The partners intend to find strengthening approaches to improve developmental inequalities through equitable service delivery without leaving anyone behind.

Solwezi is an emerging Town with approximately 164,519 people in population. The district hosts one of Africa’s biggest copper mining operations known as Kansanshi Mines. The development of the mine started attracting many people into Solwezi to look for jobs. New arrivals live in informal settlements on customary owned land, amidst mining activities. The mushrooming of unplanned settlements in Solwezi has not only contributed to the lack of access to water and sanitation but has also brought about other problems which are interlinked such as  gender inequality because in the peri urban and rural areas Women and girls have the primary responsibility for management of household water supply, sanitation and health. Often, fulfilling these roles excludes them from any other occupation or participation in education.