Swedish partner: Region Gotland

Kibaha Solid Waste Project (KSWP)

Kibaha Town Council (KTC) and Kibaha Education Centre (KEC) in collaboration with the Region Gotland are working to improve waste management in Kibaha Town, an increased public awareness of waste in order to achieve such as reduced litter, increased collection of waste, improved safety, increased waste sorting and recycling.

The overall project objective: Kibaha Town Council works actively to promote a sustainable waste management in which examples of development and improvement areas are: working environment, collection, disposal of waste into recycling or disposal, and increased awareness among community members. 

Project purpose: Kibaha Town Council carries out simple steps to improve the current collection system and enhance the collection of waste.

Staff is also given the opportunity for skills development and opportunities for recycling and disposal of waste are studied. KTC is also working to increase awareness of waste by participation and simple information campaigns, which can increase collection and reduce problems with litter and contribute to a cleaner urban environment / surroundings. Special risks associated with hazardous waste should be considered in the work and opportunities for collection of hazardous waste for separate disposal should be investigated.

Project Area
Technical Services and Infrastructure
Swedish partner
Region Gotland
International partner
Kibaha Town Council

Kibaha Cultural Information Project (KCIP) 2014-2016

The project will focus on finding a method for using music, dance and theater (also called story telling in Tanzania) for spreading information to school children and youth about important water, waste and environmental issues to improve the local awareness both in Gotland and in Kibaha.

Using cultural expressions when spreading important messages is well known in Tanzania and Gotland can learn a lot from this. The experience the School of Performing Arts in Region Gotland has with using music, dance and theatre when spreading information on different themes is also good in Gotland. But in this project it is a special type of information that needs a method in its concept.

Gotland has good examples to share with Kibaha. Information campaign through cultural expressions can give a very good support to the operative work the municipalities are doing in the water and waste areas. It will help the two parties to raise the local public awareness on issues like water, waste and environment. The project will focus on working in schools both in Kibaha and in Gotland. Teachers and local development officers will cooperate between the two municipalities how to develop a method which is applicable both in Kibaha and Gotland. This will also spread to the children’s families and others in the societies. There will be exchange activities in the school in Gotland and Kibaha.

Project Area
Swedish partner
Region Gotland
International partner
Kibaha Town Council

Kibaha Waste Project 2:0

The first waste project preparations started with Kibaha Town Council (KTC) and Kibaha Education Centre (KEC) with the pre-study in 2011 (ICLD 2011:0001). The first Kibaha Solid Waste Project started 2012 (ICLD 2011-0060) and ended 2014. Kibaha Waste Project 2:0 (period 2015-2017) is a Project between KTC/KEC and Region Gotland.

The overall objective: “Create a sustainable waste management by creating awareness and economical prerequisite with both citizens and organization in Kibaha, and continue the work with constant improvements in waste management on Gotland.” (in 15 years)

The project objective: “Kibaha Town Council has a more functioning solid waste management compared to 2014 with strengthened and empowered cleaning groups which are self-sufficient and thereby an incentive for others to follow in a democratic process.” (in 3 years)

The Immediate objectives:

  • The collection of waste and waste sorting has improved through the local Cleaning Groups (CBO: s) which are getting support (equipments) from the project and KTC organization year 1, 2 and 3.
  • A sustainable organization and economical situation for the Cleaning groups (balance between collection fees and municipal operations fees, investigate from where the Cleaning groups can get increase in revenue).
  • Investigation of the possibilities to start composting of organic waste to produce fertilizer in Kibaha has started year 1 and is completed year 2.
  • Investigation of Hazardous waste and methods for handling of hazardous waste in Kibaha has started year 2 and a first plan for implementing a management system is ready year 3.
  • Increase capacity building/knowledge in the waste area for both Kibaha and Gotland partners.
  • Increase the public awareness in waste management and handling, in Kibaha and on Gotland.
  • Both partners meet and work together and in each country every year.
Project Area
Technical Services and Infrastructure
Swedish partner
Region Gotland
International partner
Kibaha Town Council

Zmejevka Agriculture 2016-2019

In 1930 Gotland received the majority of the returning Swedes from Gammalsvenskbyn in Ukraine that had arrived in Sweden the year before. These Swedish villagers have been a very substantial part of Gotland society ever since. The Ukraine was liberated in 1991 and in 2001 a sister cities’ agreement between the Municipality of Gotland and Gammalsvenskby 2001 was signed. The village Gammalsvenskby is now called Zmejevka. Currently Zmejevka has about 2 400 inhabitants. Most of them live off of small-scale farming. The standard of living in Zmejevka is comparable to the standard of living on Gotland 50 years ago.

An Inception Phase feasibility study was completed 2014-2015, ICLD 2014-0011. In that study we jointly concluded what mutual areas of needs we could use as a basis for a future collaboration. The greatest needs as identified in the Inception Phase study are in the development of democracy, tourism and agriculture.

The main problem is that today there is no real cooperation between the stakeholders in Zmejevka, especially around their main source of income, small-scale farming. There are no democratic platforms / agencies where agricultural development questions can be discussed. The lack of democratic work and capacity is obvious. There is also no knowledge exchange between the self sufficient farmers.

The main objective of the project is to set up an Agriculture Committee which will be an executive subgroup of Bysovjeten (the village council). This subgroup is meant to serve as a democratic platform where agricultural needs and opportunities can be actively discussed. The committee’s function contributes to positive economic development in Zmejevka.

Project Area
Inclusive leadership and governance
Swedish partner
Region Gotland
International partner
Zmejevka Mayor